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Bill Hicks - Why Do Women Hate Giving BJs?

phxbillcee 10 May 9
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Lol, too funny

Livinlife Level 9 May 10, 2018

As long as we're being delightfully inappropriate,
My Tourettes made me do it.
Insert <inappropriate>

Emme Level 7 May 10, 2018

How is it inappropriate to talk about one's pets??? LOL

I wish Lords of Acid were my pets?

@Emme I have to agree with that sentiment!

Dirty, MmmHhmmm❣?

@Emme Have I ever pretended otherwise?!?

And funny❣??


Pineapple juice fellas, please. JEEZ!

Emme Level 7 May 10, 2018

I just want to know if eating pineapple really works to improve the flavor....I'd try that out on a boyfriend if I had

It does.
Oops, I told on myself?

Oooo, you're so delightfully naughty❣?

I've got a loverly bunch of pineapples!

The ones in the can that have the hole in them are great for ring tossing!??

@Emme Let's see how many we can fit! Then the fruit gets consumed & we start again!!!

Let's play a game

Posted up pineapplehead ?


I don't care if I get the BJ, but I love going down on a woman

zorialoki Level 8 May 9, 2018

Well just put it right out there, why don't ya?

@Emme Good or bad, I usually do and/or will. I was always told it is better to be truthful

Same here!

I was just teasing/joking. Hope it didn't rub you the wrong way?


@Emme I am resilient.

I am laughing too much tonite. Dangit. I gotta sleep eventually.

@Emme lol

2:30 am again.?


Who says?!?

Emme Level 7 May 9, 2018

Who? What?

This post is fantastic. I have laughed so much i have tears. You guyz are great❣


Washing is underated, yo

Why yes it is! These stankasses just don't know.

shower time can be fun time. Didn't anyone ever read The Joy of Sex?

@Emme I know it gets dank and sweaty, shower with me and let's get all squeaky clean and dirty

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