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There's a fake profile on the site.

CaroleKay 8 May 10
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I think I'll screenshot this for the next scammer that tries to get a hold of me. They're always so obvious and I mess with them. I'll wait till they ask me for money and then respond with this meme

Livinlife Level 9 May 11, 2018

That's another great idea❣??


Really? How can you tell a fake from a real one?

Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018

A sexy fake profile pic, no bio, they always post in the singles group, the post will usually be asking to chat and written with poor spelling and grammar. Once you see one they are easy to spot. I'll tag you if I see another. It was deleted pretty fast, but people were already welcoming and trying to chat her up. lol. The fake will never respond in the thread. Oh and sometimes they fill out the profile as a believer.

Yes, please do it. That'll be fun for us?


Check out the singles group...

CaroleKay Level 8 May 10, 2018

But, I'm sure he's very genuineliness.

I'm trying to behave, I was going to slam a bunch of memes in the thread, but just reported and took the points instead. 😀

@CaroleKay Don't behave. That's too close to normal. You're better than that,?

@Duke On the money again!

Why behave? That’s no fun!!!

@Duke, @phxbillcee, @BBeberstein Naw, I don't do it right, then I come off like an asshole. Lol
Good try though!

@CaroleKay I had a comment you commented on that was deleted. Broke my heart

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