13 8

Mystery meat group.. any guesses?

mistymoon77 9 May 16
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I found the side dish that goes with it

Lukian Level 8 May 17, 2018


@RavenCT I know. ughhhh.

@Lukian LOL! They do seem to go together!


Let's find a match:

Lukian Level 8 May 17, 2018

Ok but why does this chart exist?

@Blindbird Now that you replied means it's not banned. I posted several hours ago (6 or more) and no likes, no replies, nothing.
As for an answer, it is a legitimate medical chart for reconstruction surgery (I think it originally was from Brazil)

@Lukian I never saw it and I follow you so it must have been changed to you only. Thanks, I was racking my brain trying figure out possible uses


Whatever they are, they'll make women redundant

No way in hell!

@phxbillcee oh what was I thinking! who would cook and clean? 😛

@MsDemeanour I can do that for myself! Who'd give me a hug when I'm down? Some love when we need it? Something lovely to look at?!? Someone to open up to???




What were those things from the original Star Trek??? Took over the Enterprise.


@RavenCT Yes!!


Looks like snouts or lips of a cow!


Just ONE HINT...
Does it smell fishy?


A tRump state dinner?

phxbillcee Level 10 May 16, 2018

Where did this photo come from? Must know wth got cooked with hair still on it?

Maybe I'm better off not knowing.

RavenCT Level 9 May 16, 2018

I have friends in dark places.. 😉 and they share.

@mistymoon77 Well when do I find out??? Cause OMG.

@RavenCT Reddit was the first time it appeared (from what I could find).

@RavenCT Could be, he never tells me half of where he gets his memes but some are just down right nasty.


All I know is that shit needed some lube. Worst friction burns I've ever seen.

Duke Level 8 May 16, 2018

LOL! Oh my dog, @Duke!

Ketchup. Lots and lots of ketchup

LMAO!!! You must be very lonely!!!


I don't have a clue, but I know I don't want any of it.

KKGator Level 9 May 16, 2018

Deer vagina?

IKR??? Baffled and traumatized.

@RavenCT and @Blindbird I think you LADIES are looking for the more appropriate word: Vulva.
(reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when they are looking for a GF that rhymed with a female body part and George says: Molva?... that could be a funny post question)


Uh, hm. Uh..... hm. Uh........ pussy. It's all I've got. Lmao

Livinlife Level 9 May 16, 2018

I'm thinkin, goat sheep Muslim midnight snack.

@mistymoon77 lmao ! Goat cheese! Bahaha

@Livinlife That ain't no Feta!

@phxbillcee or chedda

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