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I almost choked on my water ??

MyLiege 7 May 17
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And the entire "Circle" game just took on a whole new meaning.


RavenCT Level 9 May 17, 2018

My kids and I play that game all the time! Only difference is we usually make our hands in the shape of a talking hand (thumb against middle finger and all fingers together). I have actually sent a photo of my hand in this shape to my kids. LMAO.

@MyLiege Hey I know some ASL and never thought of this as a problem!

Also priceless!

@RavenCT I know some ASL as well, never thought it an issue either, and when I see kids put up “gang signs” it just reminds of when I was young and my sisters and I would bend our fingers to make lobsters or crabs. ?

@MyLiege Shadow puppets here! lol


I actually verified this with a friend who is an ASL interpreter

Duke Level 8 May 17, 2018

Haha. Just so we’re clear. The ? “OK” sign that Luigi makes, depicted on the cover of his Pizza Box, does not apply right? ?. Totally different thing.

Markus Level 7 May 17, 2018

I looked it up, Its true! I didn't know it meant either one. Lucky I don't make the OK symbol much... I love it when really awful people make themselves look stupid.

MsAl Level 8 May 17, 2018

I guess it could be okay to be an asshole if you hang out with these guys. May be a reason people went to the thumbs up gesture


Bigots with tiny penis like TrumpOLINI pussygrabbers fascists and incompetent


If the shoe fits!!

ballou Level 8 May 17, 2018

I don't know about a shoe, but several things like their heads may fit there


I think asshole is more appropriate

zorialoki Level 8 May 17, 2018

So true, & old white boys making "gang-type" signs is hilarious in the first place!

@phxbillcee No doubt


I'm from Orange county...I'm ashamed of them

I wish they were only there! Well, not with you!!! Meant that they're all over!

@phxbillcee they are a bunch of idiots.

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