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Bah! Laundry!

Livinlife 9 May 18
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Wait 'til I post my tee-shirt collection!!! & I will! Over 15 atheist themed, science/nerd themed, a number of others of interest! co0ming within the following week when I get my bro-in-law to come over with his phone! Mines a dinosaur!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 19, 2018

Upgraded to a Jitterbug yet or still using the Etch-a-Sketch??


I hang all my tee shirts unless I am putting them in a suitcase

zorialoki Level 8 May 18, 2018

I hang mine, & have to get rid of some, now. I love message tee's!

@phxbillcee What is your message of the day? I am leader of the pack as my tee says

@zorialoki Yesterday it was "The Scream", today was a lot of yard work, so sleeveless time, & they're plain.

@phxbillcee We are almost 100 every day. I do nude, fuck that sleeveless shit


I started doing laundry at 8:30 this morning.

KKGator Level 9 May 18, 2018

Mundane, isnt it?

@Livinlife Truthfully, I really don't mind it. It appeals to my sense of order when it's finished, folded and put away. Plus, I did my sheets and pillows today. I'm looking forward to going to bed in a little while.

I fully admit that I'm really, REALLY weird.

@Livinlife Actually it is Friday

@Livinlife Mundane is a few days from today

@zorialoki ??love it

@zorialoki, @KKGator I'll admit that I really love clean bed linens.

@Livinlife Most definitely!

@Livinlife so if i clean my bed linens you will spend the night? I don't sleep on the bed, nor do the dogs. Just curious.

Plus it smells SO GOOD when it's done!?

@Livinlife, @KKGator, @Emme My last relationship, my lady worked a lot of weekends, so I did laundry on Saturday & did any ironing on Sunday, especially if it was football season. Great to set the ironing board up in front of the TV, watch the game & iron! I got something accomplished & helped contribute. Feel no less masculine at all!

That's the ONLY way to iron if it's gotta be done.

@zorialoki Well then who sleeps on the bed? And where do you sleep, hung upside down from the rafters like a bat? Lol....

@Freespirit64 Right now nobody sleeps on the bed. I sleep on a futon with mi perros.

@Freespirit64 I save the swings and things for friends.

@phxbillcee it shouldn't, it's part of taking care of things. Makes you seem capable and unselfish. Nice qualities!

@zorialoki well, it might take more than that, lol

@KKGator as long as I can throw it in while I play in my flower beds, it's cool. ?⚘??

@Livinlife Beds and swings and kinky things. What kind of flowers? I actually like gardening. I have a problem with remembering to water them

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