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LINK Caveman sex practices explain why monogamy is so difficult. 😂 🤣

What was prehistoric human sex like? Most of us conjure "the hackneyed image of the caveman, dragging a dazed woman by her hair with one hand, a club in the other." Psychologist Christopher Ryan says this image is mistaken in every detail.

Jetty 7 Feb 23
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Ryan is one of the very few Psychologists who actually 'get it'. Not only does he impart so much about out 'kind' in 'Sex at Dawn', his latest 'Civilized to Death' (2019) is even better in the broader sense; offering a perspective on our self-destructive way of life that goes beyond sexuality.

He has made our place 'out of Nature' much more understandable with a writing style that keeps pages of his book turning instead of pages in dictionaries trying to 'keep up' with more detailed coverage by archaeologists, anthropologists and ancient historians.

Thanks for the post. It points the way for those who are truly seeking to trail blaze and discover causes of world-wide societal dilemmas.

Silver1wun Level 7 Mar 21, 2020

One of the biggest differences between human females and other simian species, sexually speaking, is that ALL of the monkeys and apes have estrus cycles, and humans don't. Simian females mate only during their estrus cycles, so for them, pregnancy is always a likely outcome when they have sex. They didn't choose this; nature did. In humans alone, the female seeks sex for pleasure, rather than procreation; the absence of the estrus cycle, and the role of the clitoris (a pleasure organ) is proof of this. Again, she didn't choose it, but the evolutionary pressure for women to have sex for pleasure must have been very great. The idea that early female humans became multiorgasmic to increase their chances of pregnancy is ludicrous. Sex became a bonding activity, not just for couples but for whole tribes, and my guess is that females had much more choice around pregnancy and motherhood than most male authors surmise.

sunhatpat Level 6 Mar 20, 2020

This link totally ignores the fact that in all likelihood, prehistoric culture was matrilineal and matrifocal, meaning that it was not patriarchal in any way. Men did not get to set the agenda, sexually speaking. Rape was probably unknown in ancient times, and if women chose their own lovers, it seems likely that the best lovers would be chosen the most often. In patriarchy, it is female sexuality that is policed and controlled, and allowances have always been made, throughout history, to cater to male promiscuousness (a vicious word), in the form of prostitution, concubines, and so forth, at least for the elite and powerful men. Yes, women are capable of multiple orgasms, and lots of men are lousy lovers in this day and age, and take no responsibility for women's pleasure. What is the evolutionary advantage of that situation, do you suppose? Monogamy is certainly cultural, but it disadvantages women far more than men, since there is such a double standard at play. I read Sex at Dawn and loved it, but it is not the whole story.

sunhatpat Level 6 Mar 20, 2020

The 'whole story' probably won't be known, at least in our time. What both 'Sex at Dawn' and 'Civilized to Death' do is point the way out of the confusing morass created by our pathogenic, male dominated "modern" world. Combined with other pioneers in exploration of our Natural past, I like to at least hope that humanity can find it's way back to positive development of our creaturehood with, instead of against, Nature.

The advent of agriculture and propertization about 10,000 years ago might well have been part of Nature's intentionality within our creature canon, we can't know for sure. Archaeology and related new 'sciences' are still in their infancy and continue to produce lots of great discoveries to help our ability to self-evaluate our kind.

I personally think, at this stage of life and study, that our departure and self- destructive path began about 6,000 years ago when males rather suddenly usurped exclusive leadership and propertized famales and children along with their land and livestock. We have only been providing partial counter balance for a few centuries and not in all parts of the world. Human socio-political homeostasis is still a long way off and time seems to be running out for us.


"Sex at Dawn." a great book. I have so many pages dog-eared and lots of highlighted parts. There is another author: Cacilda Jethá. They are an interesting couple and a eye opening book.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

@Jetty Wow, didn't know that. More and more books are going online free.
How I found this book was a funny story. There is a famous book store in Portland Oregon called Powells books [] I had a list and was going through the sections when my late partner approached me with this book and said here's one for you, chuckle. She meant it as a joke but when I looked through it I said yup, it is. Then she had to listen to me talking about what I had learned every night.


What a load of rubbish. Sexual jealousy only started with agriculture, get real.

Fernapple Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

That's total nonsense... Women, in general, are not as promiscious as men... And to make such extrapolations from the days of the caveman is absurd and causes me to think this guy is delusional...

Though understanding the perspective can come largely from his books all by themselves, he confirms in a more popularized way, what has been determined by others. You are evaluating from the narrow scope, that we all once had inflicted on us, of what I like to call 'the brine'. In any event, comprehensible assessment of what is natural from an orientation that is unnatural isn't possible. A favorite quotation ascribed to Neitzche illustrates it well.
"And those who were seen to be dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."


Obviously , from a male point of view , because it totally is not dealing with reality . For starters , who says a woman's goal is constant pregnancy with ongoing twenty year requirements for raising each child , produced by this horney , disappearing , foul being ?

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

It is not just from a male point of view there is a female co-author, Cacilda Jethá. []



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 23, 2020
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