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Stone tools from the Borselan Rock Shelter, in the Binalud Mountains of northeastern Iran.
The mountain ranges of the northeastern Iranian Plateau have an abundant supply of water and mineral resources, and are believed to have been used by early Humans and other Hominins dispersing out of Africa as a route into Central Asia. This area was explored by outside archaeologists in the 1960s and 1970s, but this activity ended with the Iranian Revolution of 1979. In the past decade home-grown Iranian archaeologists have begun to explore the same region, making new discoveries about the ancient peoples who lived there. Although a variety of sites in this region have yielded palaeolithic material, only a single likely dwelling has been found, at Keyaram Cave in Gorgan, close to Caspian Sea.

JoeB 6 Mar 19
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"We," were involved in a war in Iran for decades , and I knew next to nothing about Iran . In the last year or so , I've seen so many articles and photos of ancient ,"finds ," gorgeous temples , and other historical images .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 19, 2022

It's always been known to be an important site for ancient civilizations (although rather closed off to outsiders), but the prehistory of the area hasn't been explored much.

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