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This is a time and a place quite new to me, never even heard of it, a wonderful reminder of how rich history can be. I sometimes like to speculate about early island cultures, and if perhaps there could have been, in lands set apart by time and sea, a few brief centuries of peace and plenty, a short Elysian dream of wide spaces, before empire, hunger and plague reached them. Or was the greed and violence of the priest and the pretty village warlord, there from the start.

Fernapple 9 July 22
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Before Christ or before common era, people interpret these two things differently depending on who you are. A few years may vary a few beliefs may be different. If you want complete accuracy as a scientist, dating back through time, use days, years, decades, centuries, and millennials which is a thousand years.

Ritchie Level 6 July 25, 2020

Great info, and I was also prompted to look up the BCE designation. In case I'm not the only one unaware of this, it is Before Common Era and replaces the religious label of Before Christ, and has been used for centuries!

Thank you for noticing this. It has been in use for a while but still some historians don't use it (I suspect it may be they are more religious). ACE (after the common era) is also used. When I see this I feel the historian is more credible then those that still use the stupid old way (which, btw, uses mixed languages.

@JackPedigo Agreed!

@JackPedigo The common era has official status, thanks to the UN.


Very cool 😎😎

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2020

How so?

@Cutiebeauty have been a fan of ancient civilizations for a long time

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