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The Clovis Theory of human habitation of the Americas has largely been discredited and with it the racist propaganda that proposes that Europeans found the Americas largely uninhabited and without civilization. In truth the early Europeans found cities that were often superior to the cities in Europe, better organized, cleaner, large, etc. Guns, steel and germs destroyed those civilizations and allowed Europeans to conquer and subjugate the native American populations, both North and South. A lot of our history books need a serious rewrite.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 23, 2020

Being part Cherokee was aware of this

@Jetty Here's a starter but if you google Clovis and something like discredited you will find lots more.

@Jetty We visited Caral when we were traveling around Peru, it is a fascinating site.


I worked on an early man site on the High Plains many years ago(1978). Site Director, Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian was working on the assumption out human artifacts were at least 30 000 years old.

t1nick Level 8 July 22, 2020

Indeed, an awesome find but for most of the world it all depends on what religion you are.

DenoPenno Level 9 July 22, 2020

Datable artifacts with reliable technology does not depend on religion for their authenticity. Just their ability to be shared widely.

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Posted by JoeBKite-like structures in the western Sahara Desert.

Posted by TriphidAn Aussie Indigenous Message Stick.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

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