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Magallanodon baikashkenke: A new species of Gondwanatherian Mammal from the Late Cretaceous of Chile.
Even though South America has an impressive fossil record of Cretaceous terrestrial Vertebrates, Mammals are still sparse components of these assemblages. Their remains are known from few localities in the Argentinian Patagonia, as well as from isolated and extremely fragmentary records in Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru. With the exception of two Cladotherian Mammals, Vincelestes neuquenianus (Early Cretaceous) and Cronopio dentiacutus (earliest Late Cretaceous), most taxa are based on isolated teeth and partial upper or lower jaws. For the Late Cretaceous, the peak of Mammalian diversity is plainly represented by non-Therian species counting a dozen Dryolestoids, including Laurasian-related Dryolestids and South American endemic, Bunodont Meridiolestids, a few and poorly known taxa of Gondwanatheria, including Sudamericids and Ferugliotheriids, and probable Cimolodontan Multituberculates.

JoeB 6 Oct 15
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Based on the dentition in thevpic above, it looks like it might have been an herbivore.

P.S. I was right. It took some research, as I not up to date on my dentition terminology. But researched showed it was closely related to Cyanodonts. Herbivorous mammals.

t1nick Level 8 Oct 15, 2020

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