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Polynesians steering by the stars met Native Americans long before Europeans arrived: []
Not surprising, Polynesian contact with South America was pretty much a given, the Sweet Potato proves that. I wonder if Japanese DNA will ever be found in Pacific Northwest native populations. Demasted by storms Japanese fishing vessels drifted there, sometimes with survivors, in the 18th and 19th centuries. No reason to think it hadn't been happening a thousand years or more ago.

Druvius 8 Jan 7
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This museum in Peru has thousands of artifacts from a private collector who wanted to stop the flow of anomalous artifacts from leaving the country. Lots of pottery figures that go back well before the Spanish Conquest, like these ones.


Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon (coastal foothills south of Portland) has a large Polynesian population and cultural program, and I would be surprised if there was not a genetic study pursued there recently, with all the available testing data.


Amazing history

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 7, 2021

I know such a place in South America and there’s relevant cultural artifacts that seem inspired by ancient Japanese artifacts.
DNA testing is being researched in the Northwest unless an anti intellectual conservative theist political appointee defunded the research.

@Druvius Palio genetics is more powerful than I expected as a science tourist and I’ve been distracted from the progress just as I lost track of the politics and cutting-edge technology of Thorium MSR fission reactors and quantum tunneling microscopes and CRISPR.
If I won the lottery I’d probably build an elaborate laboratory as a hobby but mostly sit around getting high and watching TV or web surfing on a couch, in a comfy nook of the lab.

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