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There have been a number of news reports lately about farmers who have had to destroy surplus crops etc that were going bad due to a decrease in consumption during coronavirus. I think they are missing the real story. Now that a large portion of the population isn't eating out 1 to 3 times a day, consuming 1.5 to 3 days worth of food at each sitting and dumping more leftover waste to feed a few small countries each day, demand has dropped and all the sudden the population , not working, has had to finally figure out what a food budget is. Sadly, knowing Americans, as soon as this is over, they will be lining up for their destiny with diabetes and their 5000 calorie a plate specials.

wolf041 7 Apr 26
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Im a farmer and it isnt decreased consumption so much as contracts and transport. IF your farm is contracted to sell to a distributor whose clients are the restaurants or other bulk customers then your stuff gets plowed under or milk dumped. It is more about how product is moved in the system than it is about demand. Long lines of people to get food in the cities is proof of that. Put in big gardens and if you can, get your own chickens and a milk goat. You will need a reliable source of food when the second waive hits

misstuffy Level 7 Apr 27, 2020

That's more the fault of the processors not adapting to the situation. I live in a heavy agriculture area , and my son works at a frozen food processing plant that serves mainly the food service industry. Very quickly after this started , they began regularly selling to the public. It not only keeps their product moving through. But by having a system where people can buy ( at wholesale price,) off a list and drive up, and be loaded , it assists the region by helping people stock up on food without having to crowd into stores. Win win situation.

@wolf041 IT owuld be nice if more places did that, there is a farmer in Idaho that dumped a big pile of potatoes he can't ship and posted on FaceBook the address and told people to come get them to feed their families. Hog farmers are selling live animals off the farm. I think nearly every slaughterhouse in my state (Iowa) has infected workers and several have died,

I lived in Italy for a number of years and sometimes we would drive to Sovenia and visit historic sites. In driving through the countryside, we would often see a farmer butchering a hog in his front yard. People would stop and buy meat directly from the farmer. A very interesting idea.

@DavidRussett I know when I was a child on the farm at Birmingham, the family got together and did the same thing. They also came home from picking grapes with so many that when they started they were making jelly and by the time they finished they had gone to jam and then preserves. Unfortunately we have an entire generation where few learned how to can meat and produce, make butter/cheese, soaps, etc. And while many may have learned how to make clothing, mending and patching is another skill altogether. Now more than ever I am convinced a lot more of us will die in the second wave. The younger generations, mine included and I am 59, lack the skills and discipline on the whole, and are too selfish to put the health of the people of the wants of themselves. The people packed into beaches, pools and bars over the weekend proved that.


and I know already you all are gonna give me shit for my comment


I still over eat just fine the stuff for institutions is packaged differently so I heard that is why its hard to make it for home consumption
things to me have gotten out of wack because they push shit we eat all the time hard like commercials for milk or beef or chicken why and no one wants to make a decent living everyone wants more bigger boozier
like the stock market no making a steady 5% everyone wants 50 % in a few months and companies are not worried about employees they are more worried about stock holders
we are so upside down

You are 100% correct in your assessment there.


milk also


As a retired science and health teacher I applaud your comment and concur 100%. This might be a good thing for the whole world;


Robecology Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

I went to school to be a dietitian. I still tend to get my undies in a bunch over this sort of thing.

@wolf041 So; spread the word. copy that CDC link and share it. We want our friends and loved ones to be healthier and fitter.


you're right. also people are driving less. but empty freeways has led to more speeding. the highway patrol here in southern california, issued 87 percent more tickets from mid-March to mid-April tan last year. 100 mph is not unusual.

TheDoubter Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Same out here in the middle of nowhere in the Ozarks. I predicted that the mountain roads would get flocked with bored motorcycle riders, and unfortunately a ton have been coming up from the flatlands who have no clue about 10-15 mph curves sneaking up on them . The number of wrecks are skyrocketing. Had a death just down the road last week. That sort of thing was unheard of around here before.

BTW, I was in southern California last summer...isn't 100mph pretty normal out there? I was getting run off the road at 85

@wolf041 if you're doing 85, it's often get out of my way. CHP is alert, sitting on the shoulder waiting for the scoflaws.

@TheDoubter years ago I lived out there. One night after midnight coming home from a friend's place, I got pulled over by CHP while doing 55 on the 210. I had been passed by countless vehicles going 80-100+ ( and had all driven right past him). The guy dragged me out and gave me a drunk test. After passing with flying colors, I asked why he had pulled me over. He said " The only people driving the speed limit are always drunk". . ..And there you have it🙄

@wolf041 undocumented aliens here get nabbed because, afraid of being stopped for speeding, they drive under the limit and thus give themselves away. a driver will do 55 when the limit is 65 to 70

@TheDoubter I drive the limit and I am a non drinker, (unless Pepsi is somehow now illegal) Wonder what they will get me for?

@misstuffy > Wonder what they will get me for?

Excessive sanity.

@TheDoubter My rule of thumb on the highway is go with the flow. If 90% of the traffic is doing 90 mph, then there are excellent odds there isn't a cop anywhere near where you are. HOWEVER if everyone is slowing down, there is a highway policeman within a mile of where you are.

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