The Watering hole

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

This is a place to discuss everything, and nothing. As long as there is respect for others then no subject is taboo. But if one insults another they'll be warned. Threaten another and you'll be removed. There is enough anger and hatred out there. It shouldn't be here. Welcome and.. Read more

Most Liked Posts By DaneintheUS (15) Posts by anyone

The Watering hole
Oct 26, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by Ray13
I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this: Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood to the Red Cross today. A nurse was nice enough to...
The Watering hole
Aug 5, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Aivery
This is hilarious
The Watering hole
Jun 27, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Aivery
The older I get, the harder it is to find and make friends. I've chatted with several dozens of people on various sites over the last 12 years since I left high school, but rarely do the conversations survive more than a few weeks or maybe months. ...
The Watering hole
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by MidnightSolo
Greetings to all! I'm a widow who lives so far out in rural Idaho that they don't even deliver mail here. I'm seeking others to chat that are more like me than the locals. The day I moved here in 2015, two neighbors brought a cake and asked if I was ...
The Watering hole
Dec 19, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Cutiebeauty
Viewing the world with open eyes...
The Watering hole
Sep 22, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by zorialoki
Everyone is happy here
The Watering hole
Feb 17, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
A lion was stalking through the jungle one day when he came across a bull. The lion and the bull got into a tremendous battle, but in the end the lion killed the bull and ate him up. The lion was so pleased with himself that he threw back his head ...
1 comment
The Watering hole
Dec 11, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Ray13
I have been having some high blood pressure issues lately, nothing too dangerous, but I discovered something interesting I'd like to share: when usually taking my blood pressure at home it averages 135/88, not bad but high for me. Took it last night ...
Shared from General & Hellos
Sep 14, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Aivery
Stay safe to everyone in the Carolinas.
1 comment
The Watering hole
Jun 19, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by NerdforHumanity
I don't trust silent letters in a word, like the "k" in knife. Those letters can be backstabbers... :D
The Watering hole
Sep 13, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Aivery
Bacon is real.
Shared from Politics
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by Mare
the problem isn't the lockdown, the problem is income inequality. If we weren't spending so much on the military and if we taxed the .1% heavily there would be enough money to allow people to stay at home. The top tax rate in the 1950's was up in the...
The Watering hole
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Namaste
Just so tired of people trying to scam you on these “dating sites”. To include this one. Remember to reverse search photos so that you know for sure with whom you are speaking.
The Watering hole
Mar 24, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by nogod
The Watering hole
Jun 22, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by hipchick57
He has a lot of good quotes, but this is a favorite!
The Watering hole
Mar 27, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by nogod
OK, l hope l'm in the right room for this little rampage l'm about to go on, but here goes. Yup, l live in a trailer park, go ahead with the trailer trash cracks, as l've heard them all. Anyway, my lot rent was 300 dollars a month, when l bought this...
The Watering hole
Jun 21, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Aivery
One of my favorite quotes "I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible s, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen F Roberts ...
The Watering hole
Jun 9, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Norie
Hello! I’m a 64-year old recently separated woman living in Richmond VA with my 24-year old son with autism. Richmond has come a long way but I still feel the need for a site like this! I am not tech savvy so I’m still trying to figure out how to...
The Watering hole
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lilac-JadeCanada
How to milk sheep.
The Watering hole
Sep 9, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Aivery
Medusa wins
The Watering hole
Oct 12, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by SaucyCheryl
God's twitter feed.
The Watering hole
Nov 9, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Bloowhale
Saw this from Irish comedian Dave Allen. Thought it was too good not to share.
The Watering hole
May 28, 2019May 2019

Posted by SBlaze
I have been with a pathalogical liar and narcissist the past 10 years...what is the best way celebrate my new found freedom?
The Watering hole
Oct 23, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by WonderWartHog99
Zap. You're all frogs.
The Watering hole
Jul 2, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by MojoDave
Be still my beating heart! 😄

Photos 95 More

Posted by Ray13I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this: Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood...

Posted by misstuffyI leased out my crop ground last year for crops this year and last.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by Reason-AbleI’m 54 and bored. I needed a project and decided to buy a truck and make it my project. I’ve been adding little mods to it every weekend. Any other vehicle enthusiasts in the group?

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by WonderWartHog99After trimming up the crab apple tree, I loaded up the pick'em'up truck and headed for the landfill, Petunia riding shot gun.

Posted by WonderWartHog99Just hang this on the wall and you'll be safe.

Posted by flower_nutMy mother's best friend worked for the local newspaper and decided to dress me as a leprechaun and use it for Saint Patrick's Day. I was a smiling leprechaun, whatever that was?

  • Top tags#video #god #world #money #church #religious #Christian #religion #hell #reason #sex #friends #Bible #mother #children #believer #truth #Catholic #guns #community #prayer #kids #moral #cats #DonaldTrump #cancer #fear #nation #Atheist #Police #alcohol #earth #schools #atheism #hello #evil #agnostic #death #holiday #USA #Christians #beliefs #pray #student #movies #college #hope #Canada #dogs #bullshit ...

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