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Hi all, I will be suspending or deleting my account here in a week or so. That means this group will need a new owner. If you wish to take responsibility for this group then send me a PM. I will reply in a couple of days to the one that will become the new owner. If nobody shows any interest, the Admin will contact the most senior member of the group to transfer the credentials.

Lukian 8 May 17
You must be a member of this group before commenting. Join Group

Enjoy being online again!

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


I'll miss you. Thank you for answering my questions.

Anonbene Level 8 May 17, 2019

I can't help answering questions. It's a curse. It gets me in trouble sometimes. Glad that it was appreciated by you.


We will miss you!

Hathacat Level 9 May 17, 2019

thank you. The community is large. I doubt I'll be missed by more than a few and not for long.

@Lukian I hope you only pause the membership then. I can understand wanting to take a break. I get like that myself! Borderline agoraphobic, and sometimes this seems too public. But I understand that about myself and try to be "out there", lol.

@Hathacat i'm actually an extrovert. Like I said in another post, I was not looking for praise just trying to ease my departure with the groups I have. Even if I suspend my account, my group still requires to be reassigned.

@Lukian I stand corrected.


Wow..hate to see you go..

Charlene Level 9 May 17, 2019

Thanks. I've been participating less and less here over the past 6 months or so. I'm also a loner. I have no friends in PM. My eagerness to keep participating has been waning for a while.

@Lukian ok..but I don't do a lot of PMing nor did I expect for me it's no big good luck! Will miss your input..

@Charlene it's not only that but suffice to leave it there...

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