All Things Astronomy

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting anything about astrology)

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting anything about astrology)

Most Viewed Posts By Hathacat (178) (Page 2 / 31) Posts by anyone

All Things Astronomy
Aug 12, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by vcg1234
Can someone please explain/confirm? In the APOD 8/11/18 the eclipsed moon appears redder and roughly same apparent size as Mars. Is this because the image is composed of a series of different length exposures to cover a range of ...
All Things Astronomy
Sep 6, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lukian
From first hand experience, This is so very true!
All Things Astronomy
Jul 29, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Lukian
two jokes, that really has a home here:
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Aug 9, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Lukian
I know, nothing new in this to followers here apart from it's in metric. Quick moon facts
All Things Astronomy
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by vcg1234
"one of them is a weirdo" We're still finding moons around Jupiter and reconstructing the history of the early solar system.
All Things Astronomy
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Georgy303
Ghost Particles busting out of another galaxy. The artist's rendition is totally cool.
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Jul 27, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Anonbene
Space debris. Is all the space debris we send up basically travelling in the same direction at the same speed or is it it just going Willy nilly everywhere at different speeds? I'm wondering if it's likely that the ISS will run into a slower moving ...
All Things Astronomy
Jun 15, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Lukian
This Is The First-Ever Footage of a Star Ripped Into Shreds by a Black Hole
Shared from Academic (e.g., Science)
Jan 21, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by SkepticalJim28
Tonight was a wonderful night! The family and I were lucky to have watched the Lunar Eclipse in its entirety. The sky was very cloudy except for a small clearing where we live. This is the only picture I took. Let's hear your viewing experience! And ...
All Things Astronomy
Mar 12, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Clarkefan
Returned from Chile. Nothing like seeing the LMC with the naked eye.
All Things Astronomy
Jul 13, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LouisD61
What are the best come-backs someone pushing flat earth science? I can't seem rid of these folks from my facebook realm.
All Things Astronomy
Jul 31, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by vcg1234
We have too much here, not enough there... must be something that can be done. Nature article (abstract tells it all)
All Things Astronomy
Jul 31, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by vcg1234
Planetary fingerprints They had me at "spectra and geometric albedo". Cataloging techniques to help prioritize future scientific research. Cool. I imagine as technology improves, we will be adding exoplanets too.
All Things Astronomy
Jul 10, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by vcg1234
This should be fun!
All Things Astronomy
Dec 19, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Lukian
There is no collision... just alignment The two galaxies in this image only appear to be colliding—they are separated by tens of millions of light-years, about 10 times the distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda. Further proof there’s ...
All Things Astronomy
Aug 8, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Lukian
Astronomers Have Detected an Intense And Mysteriously Low Frequency Radio Signal Coming From Space Hello?
All Things Astronomy
Jul 25, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Anonbene
What was the big expansion made of before it expanded? All the Atoms of the periodic table that ever existed? Dark matter? What was it that expanded other than space and time? A couple of hundred million years of nothing expanding into nothing else...
All Things Astronomy
Jul 27, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Eclipsechaser
Hopefully the weather will hold for tonight's Lunar Eclipse. Here's Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweet from a while back.
All Things Astronomy
Aug 7, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by vcg1234
North or South... This is what happens when two comets "team up". Perseids and Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Peak Aug 11, 12 More:
All Things Astronomy
Sep 14, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lukian
This is a little strange event happening. Solar observatory in NM has been shutdown by the FBI... release the X-Files plots!!
All Things Astronomy
Sep 21, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by vcg1234
CubeSat Technology I ❤️ this newsletter! Sign up. Always good stuff in here!
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Jul 27, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Anonbene
Is it getting stuffy in here?
All Things Astronomy
Aug 14, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by vcg1234
Special post as I hit L7. N44 in LMC
All Things Astronomy
Aug 9, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by vcg1234
The B.F.G., I mean B.F.R. - a long read but fun!
1 comment
All Things Astronomy
Sep 13, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by vcg1234
Not a good goal for the Earth to look like Jupiter, unfortunately, we're getting there this season.

Photos 424 More

Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alSolar minimum was in 2019 so the sun is ramping up in flares, spots and prominences.

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by RobecologyFor those following the JWST.

Posted by AnonySchmoose The post-launch set-up of the new James Webb telescope has gone very well.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by starwatcher-al Did you know that you can see Venus in the daytime?

Posted by starwatcher-alOne of these days I think that I'll figure out this Nikon.

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