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A favorite quote of mine from Hitchen's and Fry's savage gutting of the Catholic Church: "How can this Church say it has any moral superiority? It has difficulty catching up to what ordinary people regard as common moral and ethical sense..." Christopher Hitchens said this in reference to the formerly official doctrine of the Church, which held all Jews complicit in the murder of Christ, not being abolished until 1964, long after perpetrators of the Holocaust had stood trial in secular courts and been rightly punished for their actions. But he might well have also cited the more recent scandal of the Church covering-up for known pedophiles, and moving them to other parishes where they resumed committing the same acts, to name only one more of its many trangressions of the past and present.

Rossy92 8 Aug 22
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It is easy to claim moral superiority, when you also personally claim the right to define and personify morality.

Yes. Especially, when failing all else, you can always trot out the lame, excremental excuse, that it was all for a "greater good".


Criminals, the lot of them.


fuck all religions!

Mofo1953 Level 9 Aug 22, 2020

It has none..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 22, 2020

As a former catholic I can say the catholic church has no moral superiority, it's corrupt and backwards in almost all areas, as are most other churches. The priesthood and religious orders are filled with closeted homosexuals, I don't say gay as this involves more than sexual orientation.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 22, 2020
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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

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