7 4

I was raised Catholic and always questioned why priests and nuns could never get married. It's not normal as humans to not love someone of the opposite sex, much less to never have sex . They are against birth control, so the only reason to have sex is to have children, wtf? I guess that when a woman can no longer bear children, her and her husband should no longer be intimate, whatever!

mikebeed 7 Aug 29
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I was raised Catholic too.....toxic. I think they push no birth control because they want fresh meat with each new school year.

IAmLove Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

Catholics love guilt, it is a great way to control people.


Celibacy is ridiculous, & virginity is also overrated.


The bizarre Catholic statutes for their clergy almost guarantees what we see today. Massive abuse of power manifested by rape.

GuyKeith Level 8 Aug 29, 2018

It goes back to Paul and 1 Corinthians 7:8
"Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do."

The idea is that you are "married" to the Church and theoretically you will be more dedicated to the Church if you don't have a family to worry about. But there is more to it than that. Priests and nuns are supported by the Church, and if they were allowed to marry then the Church would be obligated to support their whole families which would cost considerably more money.

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 29, 2018

It is in part to prop up the myth that their Jesus was never married even though there is mounting evidence to the contrary


Yes indeed, and what about women who cannot have children. Should they and their partners abstain from sex?

brentan Level 8 Aug 29, 2018

I guess they should become nuns, lol

I have actually heard religious people state that if a person knows that he/she cannot produce children, that person is committing a "sin" when marrying. Yes, there are folks who are that rigid and judgmental.

They must not see a difference between enjoying sex and lust.

@SKH78 That is sickening. Women really bear the brunt of religious craziness. How any woman could willingly embrace Christianity baffles me. I know many are forced and many others just take the path of least resistance.

@SKH78 my best friend decided not to have children. She told her priest she was using birth control. He gave her a ration....she asked him if he would support the kids. She is the only person I know who got into a fight with the priest in the confessional. Wish I had been

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