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A Catholic mother told them leggings were too suggestive, so they wore them in protest.

MojoDave 9 Mar 30
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This reminds me of a story that did the rounds in the LDS a few years ago.
President Hinkley the prophet decided to have a crack down on "modesty" and e mailed out to all bishops an order that they were to address the "sweet sisters" of the relief society and council them on their choice of tights.
All sisters were hence forth to think carefully about how their choice of hosiery might reflect upon their moral character.
One Bishop in Utah dutifully addressed the "Sweet Sisters" reading from the prophets e-mail and told them that on tan tights were appropriate from that point on, and that even then they must be plain.
Black tights or garish colour tights were no long to be worn less the make the men notice the sisters had legs, and paterned tights were only ever worn by strumpets and women of ill repute.
The relief society president, the wife of the Bishop sat quietly fuming through this crossing and uncrossing her legs, clad in black stockings with scarlet swirs up and down each leg.
"So," she declared at the conclusion. "I am a 'strumpet'? My choice of clothing points to my having an imoral character does it?"
The Bishop Blushed red and gibbered nonsensically as his wife stood and left the room calling back "We will discuss this at home!"
She left the church building taking her children with her and the Bishop had to walk home.
Within a week he gave up his calling, his wife went inactive as did his children and eventually himself.


That catholic beeyotch should instead write an op ed on why is her religion so backward that it doesn't even allow female priests, but male priests are not even punished or perhaps just given slaps in the wrist for trafficking nuns and abusing children, fucking brainwashed happy idiots!!!

Mofo1953 Level 9 Mar 31, 2019

Completely agree! ?


Lololololol..she's skyguy maroon!

Charlene Level 9 Mar 30, 2019



Could have been no leggings.

I'm in favor of that! ?❤?


I'm with the leggings.

freeofgod Level 8 Mar 30, 2019


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