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The Symbol of old world Christianity; the Notre Dame suffering a major fire right now (This Monday, April 15th P.M.)


Robecology 9 Apr 15
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It's symbolic that a huge, famous Cathedral has burned.

Many see it as both a good symbol, and a bad, or sad one.

But to those who value its' historic's a sad moment.

We agnostic/atheiests see better than the #Religulous how any temple was built to foster myths to keep humanity "pacified" keep them "comfortably numb" drugs do today.

Religion was, and is, the "opiate" of the people, in our opinion.

...but that's not a good reason to applaud the demise of this magnificent structure.

Many - if not all - built it with good intentions...

And aren't "myths" a better,healthier high than "opiates"?

I'm sure all our ancestors were religious to some extent.

Shouldn't we respect their "delusion" ?

Shouldnt we be happy that we're coming out of it...?

I think it's bitter and cruel to welcome their demise.

I'm happy to have thrown off the mantle of "religiousity but I still feel very sad for those still stuck in its' grip.

We were born when our parents were, for the most part, #Religulous.

Let's empathize with their ignorance and deluded state....not resent, fear, or hate them.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

Burn, baby, burn! What is the big deal? One less place for priests to rape children. The French ravaged it during the revolution. It lay in disrepair for many years until they realized its value as a tourist trap.


Very sad indeed, and apparently it was confirmed that fire was "related to the renovations that have been underway at the time" no terrorism or attack of any kind, latest report indicates the fire fighters are in "art saving mode" as they believe the complete roof will soon collapse. I wonder what will the "flock" say after the tragedy? It was god's will? It was god punishing our sins? I wonder how will they justify what happened?

Mofo1953 Level 9 Apr 15, 2019

Sad..really sad..

Charlene Level 9 Apr 15, 2019

How terrible.

Kynlei Level 8 Apr 15, 2019


Robecology Level 9 Apr 15, 2019
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