9 8

My blood is boiling. Headlines in Minneapolis Star Tribune - "Persecuted Online For Her Abortion" - the anti-choice miscreants pry and snoop until they find women who have had abortions and then dox the women - post it online with the women's contact information, causing a cascade of harassment. These Fundies are a bunch of sociopaths. When will they get a freakin' life??????

SKH78 8 May 26
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At least the FBI is investigating, trying to find who hacked into the woman's medical record. Hacking into records and posting it online to get a person harassed - it's a crime.

SKH78 Level 8 Oct 26, 2019

Never expect a tampon terrorist to revert to humanity or lawful citizenship....we need to jail them like conspiring muslims building bombs or seeking the Imam prEyers for 72 virgins upon a suicide mission...let them cry xians in the lions den all they want....religious tolerance is TOO LAX inside USA and gangsters on the US Sup Ct sent the wrong message nullifying BUFFER ZONE LAWS KEEPING TAMPON TERRORISTS TEN FEET AWAY FROM PATIENTS AND STAFF entering HEALTHCARE clinics


The anti-choice kkkristians need to be doxed. The tax-exempt businesses where they worship their god of money need to be picketed.

BitFlipper Level 8 May 28, 2019

That IS their life..

Charlene Level 9 May 26, 2019

Beyond an outrage.....I have no words.


Idiots. How can they believe that is justifiable? High schools should teach critical thinking.


Kind of makes you wish retroactive abortions were an option.

glennlab Level 10 May 26, 2019

yes !


Unfortunately, they won't get a life.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 26, 2019

That is just plain evil

I want to learn how to riot. I am tired of doing peaceful actions.

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