3 5

Hahahahaha! The pot is calling the kettle black!! 😂😂
Creationists Are Mocking Flat Earthers for Not Understanding Science (!!!)

MojoDave 9 June 3
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There is a scriptural basis for believing in a flat earth. This is a picture of the cosmos of the old world. The earth of the living is a flat circle with a metallic covering in the heavens and the world of the dead beneath. Ham wants his bread buttered on both sides by believing science only when it suits him. A true believer would believe in this old world picture.

brentan Level 8 June 3, 2019

From the book on Genesis directors cut

1 And the Lord spoke unto Noah Thusly
2 Get thyself in to thy ark thou silly old fool for in mine own names sake it do piss down out here like the tinkles of a thousand elephants after an all night drinking session with Oliver Reed.
3 and the Lord continued, verilly it is much better in here, but thou couldst do with an umbrella stand.
4 Now Noel, what? Oh sorry Noah, take this thy ark and set sail, but goest not too far in any one direct soest thou doest not fall off the edge, or damage my ice wall, for Strueth that was a right bugger to put up and still meltetheth when ever I taketh my peepers offof it for a second.
5 Now toodle pip and ... How the fuck dids't though get a Kangeroo and a penguin herein Palestine? Ah twas next day delivery on amazon prime, now thatuth was one of my better ideas.

You're hilarious Len! Hahahahaha! 😂😂


They should combine beliefs into Flat Creationist Earth.

Charlene Level 9 June 3, 2019

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