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I got this story from the advice blog “Ask A Manager.” People were asked about their weirdest holiday stories and the writer compiled her favorites. My mother and I got into an argument over this one:

“I am a Jewish 26-year-old. I’ve been on the job about a year, and I moved from a large city to a smaller suburb of New York City for this job. My family is not super religious but we certainly never celebrated Christmas growing up.

My boss, a usually nice lady, has taken it upon herself to educate me about Christmas this season. She is super into the holidays, which I appreciated for Halloween, but has been declaring to the whole office how this is ‘Jane’s First Christmas’ and taking that opportunity to spend well over $500 on Christmas decorations which she has strategically placed mostly around her and my office. She has bought me my own Christmas stocking and ornament which says ‘Jane’s first Christmas’ with a date and her signature on it. She has placed red velvet bows around anything they will stick to and she has replaced our office coffee K-cups with eggnog. She has put up lights in the hallways and decked my door with some kind of tinsel that keeps sticking to my clothes and following me home.

She keeps reminding me what ornaments are and is amazed when I told her that I know the words to some Christmas songs.

She also has invited me to her home for Christmas because ‘no one should celebrate their first Christmas by themselves.’ When I mentioned something about celebrating Hanukkah instead of Christmas, she went out and bought this Hanukkah inspired contraption, which was really just eight round traditional ornaments with a light in each of them. She said they were Hanukkah balls.”

My mother’s response, when I read this to her, was “She should lighten up!” I asked my 23-year-old cousin what she thought, and she said, “Aw that boss is so sweet!”

But my brother had the best response (over Facebook messenger) : “She should have responded to her boss, ‘I'm super excited to see how you celebrate the false messiah's birth!‘“

altschmerz 9 Aug 14
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Your brother's response on Facebook Messenger is PRICELESS ☺

BitFlipper Level 8 Aug 15, 2019

All my family is catholic, actually raving catholics, I go to the parties and eat the dinners, receive and accept gifts, they all know I am not a believer and I do not participate in any religious crap that they do, to me it's like saying oh god when having sex or jeeeesus when something weird happens, traditions, why spoil them?

Mofo1953 Level 9 Aug 14, 2019

@altschmerz ditto except always presents


I'd be seriously creeped out by a boss who took that much interest in me and invited me to her home after plying me with eggnog.


Christmas.. It's Everywhere and EVERYBODY WILL CELEBRATE IT, CHRISTIAN OR NOT!!!!! Merry Christmas🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
Jazus( Your Boss of Bosses)

Charlene Level 9 Aug 14, 2019

HO HO HO !!! Oops - "ho" is a naughty word.

@SKH78 For me, Christmas is a merry time of year, a secular holiday. I think exchanging gifts is a nice tradtion. It never was really celebrated as a religious occasion in my family, though. It's a season with some good memories associated with it for me.

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