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Ben Shapiro Threatens Beto O’Rourke With Gun Violence Because The Gays

MojoDave 9 Oct 12
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Ben Shapiro is an arrogant little pipsqueak, who has been nothing but a source of noise pollution for the last few decades.
HE REMINDS ME OF Mike Teevee from the Charlie and the chocolate factory story, endlessly whining in an unbearable high pitched nasal drawl, because he cannot have his own way and firing off cap guns because he thinks they make him look tough.
This deformed mini Muppet is perhaps the most irritation thing in the media since the smurf records of the 1970s.


The right nutcases are getting more and more unhinged.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Oct 12, 2019

That escalated quickly, from I'd remove your tax advantage if you deny human rights to I'll shoot your ass if you deny me the right to be a total ass.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 12, 2019

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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists like to insist that the United States of America is a Christian nation. What do the facts show?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI know where we can get some really big rocks…

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Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

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