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Wow! Bill 'the hypocrite' Barr!!!
Barr slams attacks on religious values, says 'moral upheaval' leading to societal ills

MojoDave 9 Oct 13
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Are atheists more or less likely to be criminals than theists?

Several weeks ago, a ground-breaking study on religious belief and social well-being was published in the Journal of Religion & Society. Comparing 18 prosperous democracies from the U.S. to New Zealand, author Gregory S Paul quietly demolished the myth that faith strengthens society.

Drawing on a wide range of studies to cross-match faith – measured by belief in God and acceptance of evolution – with homicide and intimate behavior, Paul found that secular societies have lower rates of violence and teenage pregnancy than societies where many people profess belief in God.


  • Op-Ed: Think religion makes society less violent? Think again.


  • Misinformation and Facts about Secularism and Religion


nogod4me Level 8 Oct 14, 2019

Good info! Thanks!


He needs to take a good look at himself..fucking POS..

Charlene Level 9 Oct 13, 2019

This asshole will be known as one of the most hypocrite trump cocksuckers of them all, I hereby name him officially as Barrf!

Mofo1953 Level 9 Oct 13, 2019

I guess he's a hypocrite if he's trying to convince people that everything was rosy in the garden when the country in general was religious. I agree with him in the sense that things have gone downhill since the demise of the power of the church. He probably only sees two options: stay secular or return to Mother Church. The lack of a third alternative, humanism, gaining any traction, makes him look correct. The values of secular humanism seem to be a luxury for the comfortable and intellectual and leaves a huge swathe of the public with few values to aspire to and be willing to suffer for,.

brentan Level 8 Oct 13, 2019

When people wake up and confront power, there will always be conflict. But conflict can be good.

It may appear that “things have gone downhill since the demise of the power of the church.”

But, lest we forget:

The uncomfortable and ignorant help to create problems when they refuse to educate themselves.

Many believe that faith and truth go hand in hand, that they cannot be separated. Actually truth can be faiths greatest enemy. When you're believing a lie, truth is faiths greatest opposer. This being the case, the next greatest enemy of faith would be education, the learning of the truth. Education is a major threat to tyranny and oppression. Knowledge increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence; it causes you to live consciously and not be influenced by magical thinking. You can see why education is denigrated even in "civilized" nations, those in power must keep the people subjugated.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." - Thomas Jefferson 1816 January 6. (to Charles Yancey)

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day . . . . I believe it [human condition] susceptible of much improvement, and most of all, in matters of government and religion; and that the diffusion of knowledge among the people is to be the instrument by which it is effected." - Thomas Jefferson 1816 April 24. (to Dupont de Nemours)

"As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth." - Mikhail Bakunin

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