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“Miracle Mineral Solution,”
According to Jim Humble and his Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, it is a god given universal panacea, that will cure everything from warts to AIDS.
In actuality it is industrial strength bleach
This story is beyond belief, but has been going on for NINE years
I don't normally give trigger warnings but be warned, this is a real life horror story, here is the science


and to discuss a specific case

LenHazell53 9 Oct 23
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I don't believe in cure alls.. I don't understand why people do...

Desperation and gullibility?

I don't believe in cure alls either, but I do believe in science. I think science has proven that your mind is the most powerful healing device we have. I don't think you can cure everythiing just by believing you can but I do believe that your mind believes what you constantly tell it. It is not faith in a god that heals peoople but just faith that they can be healed.

It's interesting to note that this pastor would rather put his faith in bleach than in his all knowing al powerful god thats wants the best for everyone! Obviously the pastoor does not believe that line of crap either.Thus gives me a good idea for a topic about a Pastor in Woodland Park Colorado who claims he can heal the sick.

@IpraiseMYSELF sure, I understand placebo effects and other things the mind is capable of but drinking bleach sorta cancels out any placebo effect.

@Cutiebeauty DRINKING BLEACH IS F. STUPID! yea, cancel out by killing the mind! I agree.

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