P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites

This is a site to vent about or disprove Christianity. Any non-Christian pictures, comics, or comments are welcome here. Mainly we concentrate on disproving the bible so atheists can have solid points to bring up when confronted by Christians!

This is a site to vent about or disprove Christianity. Any non-Christian pictures, comics, or comments are welcome here. Mainly we concentrate on disproving the bible so atheists can have solid points to bring up when confronted by Christians!

Posts Tagged "church" By IpraiseMYSELF (27) Posts by members only

Shared from Religion & Spirituality
May 8May 8

Posted by CliffordCook
Christian Nationalists like to insist that the United States of America is a Christian nation. What do the facts show? In fact, only 22% of Americans SAY that they go to church every week. What’s more, a recent study using cell phone tracking ...
Shared from Politics
Apr 29Apr 29

Posted by CliffordCook
If Christians really believe in a god that is all powerful and will provide for all their needs, why do they keep on demanding taxpayer support for their struggling religious schools? The state of Georgia has passed, and Governor Brian Kemp has ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Apr 22Apr 22

Posted by CliffordCook
I groaned when I saw this Christian Nationalist Christmas meme posted by one of Donald Trump's supporters in Iowa. Then, I smiled when I saw how many of his Facebook friends had reposted it.
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Jan 26, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by CliffordCook
Another Christian Groomer A youth pastor from the Church of God of South Hopewell, Virginia who was previously convicted of attempting to have sex with a 12 year-old girl was sentenced to 20 years in prison this week for ...
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Dec 14, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by CliffordCook
Christian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States. The following article comes from ( POLAND ADVANCES BAN OF BLASPHEMY The leaders of the executive and legislative branches of ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Oct 21, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by Moravian
IF you follow the example of the old testament god of course it is acceptable behaviour, and drinking alcohol in church is much worse then sexually molesting young girls.
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
May 12, 2022May 2022

Posted by LenHazell53
The insane death of Kennedy Ife proves there is still pro church prejudice even in the worst cases of criminality Kennedy Ife, 26, was handcuffed and tied up for an exorcism at their £1.3 million mansion because his parents and brothers feared he ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Dec 26, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
The Origins of Christmas When English Puritans outlawed Christmas in 1647, it was not without good reason. When American Puritans, in turn, outlawed Christmas in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681, it too was not without good reason. Christmas ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Dec 23, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by altschmerz
LINKWhy Even Nice Atheists Are Offensive to the Faithful
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Nov 29, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Tourirst
Hitler in Heaven? "If God exists," why would we need doctors or scientists? And, I would not be typing this as there would be no Agnostic. And we'd never have to sign a contract, so lawyers are gone as well. The God Fraud scam is the dumbest story ...
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Sep 13, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
Checkmate, chuckleheads!
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Aug 28, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by altschmerz
LINKWhy the Church Keeps Getting Covid Wrong
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Jul 3, 2021Jul 2021

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
Burning down the church
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Jun 5, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Killtheskyfairy
U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Feb 3, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by altschmerz
LINKGerman nuns 'dragged' children to be sexually abused by priests
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Jan 20, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by altschmerz
LINKAmericans United And American Atheists Sue To Overturn Dept. Of Education Rule That Forces Universities To Fund Discrimination By Student Groups | Americans United for Separation of Church and State
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Sep 26, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by altschmerz
LINKThe Catholic Church Siphoned Away $30 Million Paid to Native People for Stolen Land - In These Times
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Aug 22, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Rossy92
A favorite quote of mine from Hitchen's and Fry's savage gutting of the Catholic Church: "How can this Church say it has any moral superiority? It has difficulty catching up to what ordinary people regard as common moral and ethical sense..." ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by altschmerz
According to the description of this group: "Mainly we concentrate on disproving the bible so atheists can have solid points to bring up when confronted by Christians!" In that spirit, I found this website when looking for something on Google. May ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Apr 26, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by altschmerz
LINKMat Staver: Church Lockdowns Are “Targeting” Christians Like Nazis Targeted Jews | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Apr 22, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by altschmerz
LINKBisbee man confesses he's molesting his daughter. Church tells bishop not to report abuse
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Apr 1, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by altschmerz
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 The pastor of a church I used to go to has retired, but he keeps in touch via social media and his wife texts me periodically. They're sweet people, but she ...
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Mar 21, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by LenHazell53
UTTER FILTH!!! Pastor Steven Andrew of the USA Christian Church "God Sent Coronavirus because of Homosexuality,women who have abortions, and people who don’t worship"
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Feb 23, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by altschmerz
LINKColonial Christianity has made Africa(ns) stupid – Kendi Borona
1 comment
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
Dec 12, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by altschmerz
More Facebook nuttery. One of the few people from the church I grew up in who I will allow to be my Facebook friend posted this meme, which I wholeheartedly approve of, and some of the responses made me see red. I didn’t bother to comment because I...

Photos 273 More

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyAnd this is the behavior that followers of Abrahamic religions have emulated for centuries.

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists like to insist that the United States of America is a Christian nation. What do the facts show?

Posted by KilltheskyfairyI know where we can get some really big rocks…

Posted by CliffordCookIf the Christian Bible is such a great book, how come most Christians can’t bring themselves to read it all the way through even once?

Posted by CliffordCookIf Christians really believe in a god that is all powerful and will provide for all their needs, why do they keep on demanding taxpayer support for their struggling religious schools?

Posted by CliffordCookI groaned when I saw this Christian Nationalist Christmas meme posted by one of Donald Trump's supporters in Iowa. Then, I smiled when I saw how many of his Facebook friends had reposted it.

Posted by CliffordCook The Fascism of Faith Month in the US Congress U.

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by of-the-mountainReality!!!

Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalism isn't just something that's spreading in the United States.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyReligion is ridiculous!

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