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A must read for all Australians regarding Melbourne's shutdown. I agree with 2 points: Response is way overboard and #2 our illustrious leaders do not know what the fuck they are doing.
Perspective people, perspective

powder 8 Aug 4
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What a cracker. Victoria according to the state car number plates has issued some fascinating slogans. In a 2012 report in the Age newspaper it was stated -
"The new number plate slogan "Vic – stay alert stay alive" is part of a State Government bid to promote road safety.
Previous messages have included "Victoria - on the move" during the Kennett era, "Victoria - garden state" and "Victoria - the place to be".
Premier Ted Baillieu said the new slogan built on the state's reputation as a world leader in the field of road safety."

How prescient the move, place to be and education slogans now are! Typical political whim wham for a goose's bridle.

I notice that the RT report states that both flu & road deaths last year far exceeded C19 rates of death but no state of disaster was declared.

It is not necessary for police to enter premises to know how many are within. They now have equipment that will pick up heat signatures through brick & concrete.

Has legislation actually been enacted making the report reality?

@powder someone should have him arrested.

They don't even control sneezing, joggers & cyclists.

As for asymptomatic carriers of the virus they don't want to know about them!

@powder An ex communist now Trumpist that I went to school with claims that it all results from a conference that the communists had back in 1928. The conference conclusion was that communism would not be accepted until law courts & government were so derided by the people that there would be no alternative but to have a communist led revolution.
Having experienced Victorian law and its resemblance to Kafka's "the Trial" and now seeing this sort of illogical behaviour I can only wonder at the truth in my school chum's information!

I was recently reminded that on Monday I had to point out to a women whingeing that her staff were not being respected that respect is earned not automatically given. And in her employees cases, inferior & frequently injurious & ignorant behaviour is not going to garner respect.

If someone offers advice to you because they know more efficient ways of accomplishing a task it is not an insult nor a reflection on your stupidity - stupidity becomes self evident when you do not implement the suggestion. A reflection on your training & education yes.

Furthermore a simple thank you to the advisor prevents you from further having your standing & reputation from being devalued by the advisor.

@powder see my latest post which I hope may elicit more reaction than just stupid people blocking.

@powder that's interesting the link just took me there. Perhaps I should repost in Ausie Sceptics as well as "Tales from the Lockdown", Out of the Illusion and Hellos & General!

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