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How seppo's view our friendship.

puff 8 Oct 6
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Yeah, why wasn't I told Australia is just like China upside down.

One China policy

Under its One China policy, the Australian government does not recognise Taiwan as a sovereign country but maintains informal political connections and deep trade ties with the island.

Australia is not alone in that recognition, not by a long shot. Imagine if a separatist leaning government got in in Hawaii and a foreign nation started arming them. You have to imagine Hawaii is very close to mainland USA as well.
Or in Australia Tasmania did the same with the same nation arming separatist Tasmania insisting on sailing warships regularly through Bass Strait. That would piss us off.

Quite ironic Taiwan has a greater chance of attaining statehood through whatever institution BRICS comes up with than when compared to the UN and it's quirk of a veto vote isn't it?


Found this video important enough to repost after I posted the same one yesterday??

You subliminal messaged me


Australians other than rabid Barnaby Joyce & Dutton supporters would rather the Australian & US governments spend the revenues collected from them in improving living conditions in Australia & America.

China is Australia's biggest contributor to its economy.

China is Taiwan's biggest contributor to its economy.

USA is Australia's biggest non productive drain to its economy.

USA is Taiwan's biggest non productive drain to its economy.

When will the #stupid rabid supporters of Dutton & Joyce (mine owners, farmers etc.) wake up to the fact that they are cutting their own throats?

Join BRICS & rescind all US accomodations including billions of dollars of obsolete nuclear submarines. . .

And Dutton wants to build nuclear power plants to become obvious targets for enemies . . . He's got to be mad like his great hero in this report:

@FrayedBear How about the technology of nuclear reactors used in submarines? We can set one up in all small cities.
By the time our dipshit leaders click that BRICS is the future as the US and UK are no longer the King dicks, we will be like Ukraine eg have to get our shit together before being accepted.
Dutton is a cunt. We may thank him for skidmark Morrison, the dipshit can't count so failed to roll Turnbull cleanly and Scotty slipped in. Who then sold us out to Pompeo with AUKUS, secretly.

Trump is psycho and psycho's are not good considering consequences. The Pentagon would talk him out of that one by explaining consequences. Or perhaps Russia by sending a conventional hypersonic to hit somewhere in mainland US.
Trump is into deals so at least he will talk. He is into business so he won't want to stop oil flowing from the ME. If he does anything, it will be pull US forces back home and take Venezuela.

@puff isn't Venezuela now in BRICS?
If as I've just watched stated by an analyst Russia has sent top guns & jets to Iran to help repel the Israeli bombers Netanyahu is threatening to send then I suspect that the same will not only occur from Russia but China also in bolstering Venezuelan capabilities to repel US aggression. . . IMO We're in a completely new ball park now.

@FrayedBear Russia are very pissed the Hezbollah leader was bombed out of existence after a ceasefire was all organised. The Russian navy has been intercepting missiles targeting Lebanon, they are involved now already.
From what I've gleaned, Russia has mainly given Iran air defense capabilities and EW (jamming) assets.
The IDF is nothing without it's Airforce. I think any next barrage from Iran will take out all airfields. The IDF will be forced to land in Cyprus which will bring Turkey in.
How would BRICS react to Venezuela being invaded by the US? That will be interesting to see and a test of the new international institutions they plan to enact in the upcoming summit.
If the US, I would be more worried about sleeper cells being activated outside of BRICS as retribution.

@puff do you have links on the Russian activity. None of mine are coming up with anything atm. I did express surprise\ doubt that the announcement was made of Russia enhancing Iranian capabilities without it already having occurred. I did post a report stating that Israel bombed Russian asset in Syria thought to be storage for Palestinian or Lebanese freedom fighter armaments.
Interestingly UN peacekeepers have been stationed in S. Lebanon for a long time. According to report the invading Jews ordered them to evacuate their post & the Irish told them to go away. I love some of the Irish parliamentary members who have been berating the Israeli Jews psycopathic genocide.

Sleeper cells where?

All I can hope for is that Albanese & crew are having long late night discussions about rescinding American support. Sadly I don't think Wong will be willing or up to the necessary task of doing it. She must be despised by the Chinese - bring back Kevin who at least had some respect from them.

@FrayedBear Sleeper cells in the US. Cartels can be bribed to do your bidding and there are plenty in the US now.
Israel will drag down the US with it ie think the US will have plenty pissed off at enabling Israel's genocide. Not just Arabs or Muslims that would be willing to do them harm. All because of blind devotion to Zionism and an Eretz Israe;.

@puff I look forward to the Israeli Jews being put in their proper place where they can no longer harm humanity.

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