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Yes, Defund the Cops – And Put Them Under Community Control

‘’Street power’ will be dissipated if organizers leave the levers of power in the hands of local Democrats.”


“Biden is a proud architect of the mass Black incarceration regime.”

{Despite the breathtaking size, intensity and multi-racial character of this month’s protests, and the record-breaking popularity of the insurgent movement, the corporate electoral duopoly – not the loathsome persona of Donald Trump, but the Democrat-Republican tag-team-- remains the greatest impediment to social transformation. They are the institutional enemy. That most emphatically includes the Black political class, virtually all Democrats, who have overseen the steady deterioration of the Black economic condition, managed much of the local workings of the Mass Black Incarceration State, and supported a U.S.war machine that has slaughtered millions of non-whites in the two generations since Dr. King called this country “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, today.”

The bigger the Congressional Black Caucus gets (it now stands at 50 full-voting members in the House), the more servile to party corporate leadership it becomes. By wide margins, the Black Caucus has opposed ending militarization of the police (80 percent “nay,” in 2014); supported elevating the police to a “protected class” and making assault on police a federal “hate” crime (75 percent, in 2018); and voted to further empower the FBI to spy on citizens (two-thirds of the Black Caucus, in 2020). Nearly half the Black members of Congress supported the bombing of Libya and NATO’s invasion of Africa in 2011, and the vast bulk of them have signed off on every escalating war budget put forward by Presidents Obama and Trump. In short, the Black Caucus is a bulwark of systemic racism and U.S. imperial warfare. Not one serving Black congressperson has raised a peep about the ongoing slaughter in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than six million have died under four U.S. presidents.}

“The Black Caucus is a bulwark of systemic racism and U.S. imperial warfare.”

{The biggest luminaries of the Black Caucus, including “Auntie” Maxine Waters, of California, South Carolina’s James Clyburn, and New York’s Hakeem Jeffries and Greg Meeks, are today rallying around New York Democratic incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel to beat back progressive Black challenger Jamaal Bowman , a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Caucus has slavishly followed every directive of House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi since she ordered them to refrain from holding hearings on Katrina, in 2005. They are collaborators in the duopoly’s greatest crimes against Black America, and the world.}

{Lori Lightfoot is a guardian of white oligarchic power in Chicago, an exemplar of the melanin-over-substance politics practiced by the Black Misleadership Class – the same craven crowd that, in their formative years, preached that the movement of the Sixties must shift from the “streets” to the “suites.” In urban America, some of the oligarchs’ most dependable servants are Black, and nearly all are Democrats. Their strategy will be to entangle proponents of defunding the police in endless fights over whether dwindling tax dollars will go to police or social programs, while ensuring that the community controls neither. In the process, movements are demobilized and a portion of those activists that remain are “captured” – joining the Democratic clubhouse.}

I have often pointed that one out myself here many times. In the process, movements are demobilized and a portion of those activists that remain are “captured” – joining the Democratic clubhouse. Just as the current language used today of "defunding" the police is purposely being used to confuse the public and create strife. Rather than simply stating a redistribution of public funds, to embed professional social skills into monitoring certain aspects of calls into the community and into training police.

I would also suggest stations within large problematic communities where you can find a number of abandoned homes that could be transformed into a productive up and personal collision of police, social worker, and community volunteers to create unified watch areas of self policing efforts. If corporations and local business would donate their money to these efforts over buying off local politicians and the various types of police foundations and associations it would better serve the community and expand their employment range. That would then determine a need to restructure the use of these communities from rather using them as a criminal source towards making them a betterment towards a productive aspect of society. Lifting many of them out of poverty, eradicating a vast majority of the night time gang and drug activity, sex trade, and useless child deaths from reckless shootings.

William_Mary 8 June 27
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The rioters are in no way concerned with civil rights. They are children who have no idea what they are doing.

Supporting such violence reflects one's ignorance of pretty much all reality.

And is clearly racist.

JacarC Level 8 June 30, 2020

19 of the top most crime ridden cities have been controlled by demon-crats for 50 years. WHY???

I think there is a clear correlation.

AND::: Demon-crat controlled cities and counties have the highest china-19 death rate::::

JacarC Level 8 June 30, 2020

Yes there is evidence of the Reagan-Bush’s republicans merging with the Clinton-Obama democrats.
And unfortunately thanks to trump and even Bernie their marriage is growing stronger.

The black Caucus as it’s put has very little to nothing to do with the real black society they’re really nothing more than black figures within a white political system.

They’re there so that the party can say that the other side is racist for not having their own even though there has been a growing movement for black conservatives within the centrist republicans which could also explain the merging of the two parties.

So now let’s talk about defunding the cops and the reality of that ideology.

First off even BLM has come out and said that eliminating law enforcement isn’t what they were proposing, but instead take away the funding that has allowed them to become militarized.

Community policing has a nice ring to it but it’s been done and the outcome of this is what lead to society creating an organized police force to begin with.

All we have to do is look at both London and New York during the 19th century to see that allowing sections of a city to govern and police themselves led to more crime, violence and in most cases went on unpunished due to the lack of investigation.

I know that some have attempted to use San Francisco’s private police as an example but they’re nothing more than security guards for retailers that have the powers of arrest and have been found to have been corrupted by large criminal organizations.

There have been towns and cities that have disbanded their police forces but all that meant was the county’s sheriffs department would take over as law enforcement.
Which is a gamble because the position of sheriff is an elected official and political ideology can at times get in the way of the law itself.

But let’s say that we undo policing as we know and we add in social workers, community groups and so on.
And I’ll admit that it will work in some places but it still doesn’t change the fact that as long as there’s any form of actual authority that we still have all of these laws on the books in every city, county, state and federal that have actually been the source of our problems with law enforcement.

I’m just saying that multiple states have either legalized or decriminalized marijuana but the feds are still raiding and incarcerating people over it.
And the black Caucus has yet to attempt to undo the anti crime measures that both Nixon and clinton put into place that have created mass incarceration and have given law enforcement the means to become the authoritarian power that they are.

Once again we’re going from one extreme to the next as a reactionary measure instead of looking at the cause and effect values and modifying what we have to better suit society as a whole.

And the last time I checked we’re at the point of either a revolution or civil war and people are getting to the point where they’re good with either one.

48thRonin Level 8 June 28, 2020

Yes, the reform will require a look at all aspects of community unity. Including reforming laws and council diversity to work in some places. I would hope a sincere approach would not be looking back as you've correctly pointed out, but to look forward from the past recognizing an agenda for a singularity in a society, but to advance within the diversity of all of society. From one community to another it will require different measures of different degrees. Some communities may not wish to change anything.


Democrat-Republican tag-team

Best term yet to explain the problem. That so many of the Black elected officials buy into the democratic bullshit amazes me.
But then the white christian religion has captured and held hostage the Black community - IMHO.
The solution goes back to the problem of equity and the last paragraph offers up some answers.
Good read.

As far as that last paragraph goes. I don't know if it's a good thing or not yet. But Rick Sanchez had a property tycoon on his show the other night that discussed a sense of reverse gentrification currently going on caused by this virus. People seem to be moving out of metropolitan areas for the suburbs to get away from masses of people. As they were discussing property values. You can catch that discussion @ the 2:55 mark


Unfortunately I don't see a much help for people already stuck in bad situations unless these cities revert funds from continued gentrification projects to helping them occupy paces being left empty. We know how empty houses goes in large cities. Common sense will not be tolerated 😟

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