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Sanders-Biden task forces and the debacle of Sanders’ “political revolution”

With the unveiling of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden’s “joint task force” proposals for the 2020 Democratic Party platform, Sanders has put the final nail in the coffin of his so-called “political revolution.”


{Most notably absent in the proposals is Sanders’ hallmark “Medicare-for-all” plan, which has been replaced by calls to “re-open the Affordable Care Act marketplaces” and provide a public option. A reduction in the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 60 is meant to serve as Biden’s “progressive” fig leaf on health care. Just four years ago, Hillary Clinton’s campaign had called for a lowering of Medicare eligibility to age 50.}

Well you can't sell a policy good for the people when the corporate whores of the democratic party depend on money from the very entities we are fighting against. I've exposed them time and time again from articles from Sludge. Pick your poison>>> [] But you can lose 10 years in 4 years time.

{Sanders, who is proving in real time to be the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic cheerleader, is once again getting out his pom-poms ahead of the 2020 elections. Following the announcement of the task force proposals, Sanders went as far as predicting that Biden could become the “most progressive president” since Franklin D. Roosevelt.}

Yea, his 50 year political career really spells out how that will NOT work out. Well now! No sooner type out and {Who does he think he is fooling? Biden has a nearly 50-year history of carrying out the dictates of the ruling class.}

{Soon after, former top advisors to the Sanders campaign harnessed its organizational structure to launch a new super PAC, “Future to Believe In,” to direct resources to the election of Biden.}

When I told you so just doesn't provide any sense of meaningful closure. Once again all that money donated to Sanders and his new PAC will be redirected towards policies that will continue to move the country further to the right.

What !?! Wait a minute !?! PAC !?! {Official association with the PAC would be damaging to whatever remains of Sanders’ progressive image. For years one of Sanders’ major campaign talking points has been opposition to super PACs, which can accept unlimited donations for candidates. But Sanders has been silent on the creation of the “Future to Believe In” PAC, declining to comment to the bourgeois press.

In an interview on Tuesday, Weaver said that Sanders is “not supportive of super PACs” and is “not supportive of this super PAC.” He added that Sanders “would prefer we had not done it through a super PAC.” In other words, Sanders is fine with pulling out all the stops for the Biden campaign, however he would prefer that the effort be carried out in a manner that does not so blatantly expose him and his campaign for the fraud that they are.} []

{Sanders’ aides, who are for the most part long-time Democratic Party operatives, are now utilizing the Sanders machine to help fund the Biden campaign under the “left” cover of the Sanders campaign name.}

The gig is over. Again, I told you so doesn't quite provide any sense of closure. Sanders 2020 run was even more evident of him simply herding his supporters and their donations in to supporting the chosen DNC candidate. His continued association with Jeff Weaver and Nina Turner were the main reasons I've been staunchly attempting to suggest this was another pure con job from the start.

{There were countless groups in and around the Democratic Party, most notably the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), who have spent the last five years promoting illusions in the Sanders campaign. Since the ending of his campaign, the DSA has held dozens of “call-in” meetings to urge workers and young people not to leave the Democratic Party. “Eventually” they explain, such a break will be needed, “but not now.” In the bankruptcy of the Sanders campaign they exposed their own bankruptcy as well.}

If not now, when. While I still have a few bucks I'll throw $20 into a pool that as 2024 comes and goes the DSA will still be up to their herding agenda also. Even if it means posturing a new fake socialist candidate. AOC might be crossing some minds right about now.

{The attitude of the SEP toward the Sanders campaign, and its cousins around the world is based on a scientific, historically-grounded Marxist analysis that proceeds not from what political tendencies or individuals say about themselves, but from their history and program and the class interests they represent.

The only way forward for the working class is on the basis of a genuinely revolutionary policy—not a “political revolution” to promote the Democratic Party, but a socialist revolution to overthrow capitalism.

The Socialist Equality Party is running its own presidential campaign to elect Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz for president and vice president of the United States. We are running our campaign in order to bring our program and international perspective to the widest possible numbers of working people and young people, both in the United States and worldwide. We call on all workers and young people to join this campaign and support this fight.}

Are we there yet!?! "Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 July 11
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The same shit happened in 2016. They make it seem like there will be some concessions when the more progressive candidate loses so they can have him campaign for them and get most of his voter's support, and then they do nothing for them. They sit in a room and twiddle their thumbs saying no to every proposal. They have coffee and maybe some lunch. They joke around. All at our expense. We should bring back the guillotine.

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