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Private Prison Simulation Game Goes Viral on Apple App Store

With over two million people locked up across a sprawling network of private and public prisons, the US has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world, significantly worse than brutal dictatorships in Africa, Latin America or Central Asia.


{Writer and prison critic Chris Hedges, who has taught at a number of penitentiaries, called prisoners the ideal American worker; they do not receive any benefits or pensions, are not paid overtime, cannot organize or go on strike, have no vacations or sick days, never show up late to work, cannot complain, and if they try to protest they can be beaten or tortured in solitary confinement. As such, he concludes, prisons “are models for what the corporate state expects us all to become.”}

{While many people are working to change or abolish the institution altogether, the massive prison population and terrible conditions found inside have become so accepted that Chelsea Manning’s jailer is running a successful campaign for Congress in Alabama, as a Democrat.}

😟 {The U.S. Army has its own eSports team which it uses to groom suggestible teenagers into joining the military. Indeed, the Air Force has a recruitment tool game on its own website which allows you to drone bomb Iraqis and Afghans. Players who perform well are prompted whether they would like to do this in real life.} 😟

{The fact that the reception to “Prison Empire Tycoon” has been overwhelmingly positive, with few people remarking on its problematic content, goes to show how normalized the prison industrial complex has become and how few people recognize the dystopian depths that society has sunk to.}

?!PARENTS!? Your child may be next. Are you enabling this sick part of our society in which your child may become their next victim?

William_Mary 8 July 12
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Isn’t odd how our society finds ways to normalize it’s shitty practices and ideologies?

I caught onto this a while back when I was looking at the progression of this country vs most others.

When others began to move away from slavery they either absorbed them into their society or they relocated them so that they could form their own.

We on the other hand simply refined ours so as to be only one racial group to be enslaved and once we finally did away with it we simply allowed to exist and only later to be used as scapegoats and sacrifices in our wars.

Then after another hundred years of abuse we said that black Americans were allowed to have the same basic rights as us.
And in response to that we created more laws with harsher sentences, forced as many as we could into government housing, and began the practices of redlining and gerrymandering to subvert their newly found equality.

In the 90’s after everyone in the world got to see several L A cops dispense justice all over Rodney King and then tried to say that it was perfectly legal which led to massive riots.
We agreed to approach all citizens the same when it came to policing.

And for that we created and passed a crime bill with some of the most severe and targeted laws we’ve created and then to add a 3 strikes policy which was intended for violent offenders but broad stroked by most states to cover any felony.

This in turn opened the door for private prisons and their ability to use inmate labor for private industry.
And now with all of the civil unrest that’s going and a demand to be treated as full equals in our country there will be even more laws with harder sentences.

And from our prisons will slavery be reborn, and society will be like “ oh yeah I played that video game and it’s not that bad. “ which will allow for it to go unchallenged until someone wakes everyone up again.

Just saying that our society has a talent for giving something and then manipulating the system in order to get it back without drawing the attention of the majority of its people or they just simply demonize whatever it is so that mainstream society will cheer for its death.

I guess what this country is great at

48thRonin Level 8 July 14, 2020

Those throughout history who have been targeted have blissfully allowed themselves to become assimilated also though. To me this makes no logical sense today having witness this fact over and over again. These very people are a vast number that could help lead to way towards change in the US.

From the time Columbus infiltrated the America's, into the movement of the wide expansion of settling North America. All these native people worked against their own in hope to find favor within the Europeans. Only to become victims themselves. Same as the slave trade. African tribes and villages hunted each other in and for favors only to become victims when their village became the sole remaining village left in the nearby area.

It's beyond my comprehension as to why any of these people would today support and or become part of the very system that has committed a genocide in the millions of their heritage. Especially when it comes to African America's, you find them joining the very same apparatus, the military, that is on a global agenda spreading the very same social sickness their own ancestry was targeted with. And then they remain compliant to the system while participating in a corrupt voting system that never confronts the issues they face within their 2 party system.

Most humans tend to be followers constantly looking for someone with the answers who will lead. The ruling class has this figured out. And they have a quite elaborate system thoroughly in place to use this against us. It's been working for centuries. I have spelled out how this benefits them time and time again as it is also written on one of the pinned pages here.


We become our own worst enemy in our failure to recognize this. When we allow them to socially divide us as they have, we neglect the use of logical thinking and we're deflected from the outcomes of history. This is the goal of their media today. Quickly taking control of narratives and constantly using false information to keep us distracted from the reality of the present time.

Today's BLM movement has been taken over by false political leaders and corporations within yet another perception management campaign of fake conditioning that will not lead to any major changes once again. As a matter of fact, questionable deaths are still occurring on all races of citizens that are not being addressed even as the issue is beating us in the face, on the streets. There fore, what good is this movement? This has again been accomplished by narrative control propaganda and the quick news cycle of fabrication.

The Russiagate's are coming at us seemingly non stop today. They can't make enough of this shit up. All distractions. China China China. What's next? War with Iran? We're already there. This is going to be the next big story while a corrupted voting cycle is being white washed by us. Mail in voting is the controlled narrative to give the public a false sense of security a better way could be coming. I assure you it's not. At least not in the manor they would deliver such a system to us.


Just another example where prisoners get exploited. How many prisoners have been given sentences, especially maximum ones, purely to feed this money-making machine?

It was the Nazis who used the term "Arbeit mach frei" over many concentration camps; the similarities are as alarming as they are unsurprising, in prisons nowadays. Where's the attempt to rehabilitate?

Magister Level 6 July 14, 2020

"{The U.S. Army has its own eSports team which it uses to groom suggestible teenagers into joining the military. Indeed, the Air Force has a recruitment tool game on its own website which allows you to drone bomb Iraqis and Afghans. Players who perform well are prompted whether they would like to do this in real life.}"

That's just fucking sick, but I'm not surprised.

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