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Regime Change The Media: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

America this is serious: if you re-elect Trump, you’ll be trapped in a fascist dystopian oligarchy which will keep robbing you of your rights and wellbeing for the benefit of the powerful and the wealthy.

And it gets even worse: these things will also be true if you elect Biden.


{Mainstream media reporters have a much higher body count than all serial killers and terrorist organizations combined. They do not deserve respect, and their institutions should not exist.}

I've paraphrased this very sentiment on occasion here. I usually have used the word blood myself. I think all other conditions leading to the spill of blood should be imaginable by intelligent beings. It has to be said regularly though for it to force contemplation onto those who remain resistant to reality. If this year isn't waking up more people to the delusional reality that has been created for them by the ruling class and those they own, we're all going to be forced over the top and into despair by 2030 or soon after.

They own the establishment parties, intelligence agencies, the main stream corporate media, and many public relations groups who help form the false propaganda narratives to condition society used by that media. All westernized countries all collaborate in this agenda, at the least. I do have other concerns on this. The US has merely been designated as the central headquarters and power structure having taken over for England. All one really has to do is take a serious look at the last 2 decades to recognize the correlation between them. The middle east wars, the new cold war on Russia with all the now debunked accusations stemming from Syria chemical weapons, UK poisoning, Ukraine, Crimea, and the 2016 DNC leak. The Hong Kong riots, Venezuela, Yemen, Palestinians, Libya, the handling of this virus, and unified protest around the world on police brutality. Presently little to no mention of actions in Africa currently going on.

{There’s little or no relation between what the mass media direct people to care about and what actually matters. If you get all worked up about the Hot Topic of the Day like everyone else you’re usually just clapping along with a plutocratic puppet show made for stunted children.}

😟 The last few days I’ve been tripping harder and harder on how bizarre and immoral and freakish it is that we’re not all talking about Yemen constantly. If there were any relationship between what is newsworthy and what gets into the news, the mass atrocity in Yemen would have been all we talked about from the moment it started and the public outcry would have ended it years ago. Instead, Yemen has remained almost invisible. 😟

{When you clap along with the cold war hysterics about China and/or Russia, that’s what you’re doing. You’re saying you support the US government in its endless fight to absorb all nations into its globe-spanning power alliance and destroy all who resist. That’s crazy. Stop it.}


{They can’t arrest us all, and they can’t kill us all. They know it and we know it. That’s the whole reason for all the propaganda, censorship and surveillance. And no amount of propaganda, censorship and surveillance will be enough when it’s time to force real change.}

Exodus the ruling class delusional reality! "Out Of The Illusion " Group

Giants: Who Really Rules The World?

Abby Martin sits down with Peter Phillips, former director of Project Censored and professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. His new book “Giants: The Global Power Elite” details the 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors.

William_Mary 8 Aug 3
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Excellent and very clear but how we change any of it before global warming wipes us out I have no idea.

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