Americans Who Support Status Quo Politics Are American Supremacists
Trump is a bad president. He’s coddled oligarchs both in America and around the world, he made a mess of the pandemic response and lied about it, he’s incited violence and inflamed hate, he’s done nothing for ordinary Americans, he’s facilitated ecocide, any good decisions he’s made on foreign policy have been far outweighed by the bad, and his recent refusal to guarantee a peaceful transition of power if defeated in November is concerning.
That said, Trump is not a uniquely bad president. The only way to see him that way is to believe that American lives are far, far more important than those of the millions of mostly brown-skinned human beings who have been murdered by the US war machine under the leadership of both Trump and his predecessors.
Just since 9/11 several million people have been killed and tens of millions displaced by American military violence to shore up control of key geostrategic regions with the goal of total global domination. Trump has not been any worse in the facilitation of this butchery than his predecessors. Where he differs significantly is in the amount of stress that his presidency has been causing Americans.
9/11 also brought us a new verbal phase "the axis of evil" by one of those predecesors, President George W. Bush. And since then there has been a new ramped up cold war on 2 nations. China and Russia.
“Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” Napoleon Bonaparte
And shake the world she has begun. China has for some time been ramping up and building a geostrategic Belt and Road Initiative. And for her apparent peaceful efforts she has attracted a label of evil while she has yet to wage a war or taken a life with any other purpose than to better other societies. When you compare the difference between China and the US, in collaboration with western societies, who's geostrategies could possibly be seen as evil? In a sane mind it surely isn't China. Only in a conditioned state suppressed from free thinking could such a mind.
Russia has been battling their own towards a relationship with certain European countries and defending their own Russian speaking people from genocide nearby. Ukraine and Crimea should ring a bell if you're up to political parr. Outside of partnership with Syria's defense, they also haven't waged any aggressive wars to take lives. Yet she has also been labeled as evil. With what apparently to most alternative journalism find in 2 poisoning cases which have been used to stretch this perception management as a clutch to engage this western agenda, without any clear evidence, only accusations that don't add up to any sensible reason Russia would commit such acts. Again we have to ask who the evil entities here are. Which minds see clearly.
{American supremacism is like any other supremacist ideology which holds an empowered group as innately superior to disempowered groups, except since its consequences are exported overseas its adherents don’t have to look at those consequences. For this reason, most American supremacists are not aware that that’s what they are. Their politics don’t hold all people as equal, but they are able to compartmentalize away from that fact since its consequences are out of sight and out of mind.
If they were executing immigrants in American streets by the millions, there’d be a very conscious divide between those who support this and those who do not, because everyone would be constantly confronted with the fact that it’s happening and forced to come down on one side or the other on the issue. But since it’s an atrocity Americans don’t have to look at, and since their oligarchic news media are all too happy to passively conceal it from them, they wind up unconsciously selecting American supremacism as their default position by supporting the status quo which promotes it.}
In other words. We have been blissfully conditioned into a mind set that we are of a superior nation construct. I have often heard and seen on social media this same label placed on our neighbors north of us, Canadians. Here within again lays a realm of our 2 establishment political tribal parties failure of managing the choices between recognizing evil within each of their candidates, which effect this aspect of our society as a whole. We have failed to see our own natural and realistic placement over self indulgent of top priority among the world population. Even while others outside our country pose legitimate observations and debate about our social structure we fail to utilize this into recognizing purpose for change. Heathcare, race, education, birth deaths, and inequality issues are the top issues that come to mind. As far as the westernized societies go, we lag well behind on all these issues which are socialized programs to a greater degree in most, if not all, of those countries. As we should not be voting for either evil candidate, these nations peoples have no logical reason to accept us as a serious component of the world society.
With that said though, the people in these other countries fall to the side in bliss also as their power structures collaborate with the US in all of these adventures, whether it be silent compliance and or failure to utilize their power within the United Nations. An entity many of us find to be uselessly compliant now also.
We Canadians are blissfully conditioned into a mind set that we are of a superior nation construct? Really? That does not chime with my observations. Canadians are fairly humble. Lots of us prefer not to be close to Americans.
But yes, the USA is definitely the chief aggressor in the world and does not seem to care a wit about other people.
Don't rearrange my text or take my comments out of context. My statement was from observations I read or heard from Americans towards Canadians. To do this also degrades my later analysis of political tribalism. I in no way shape or form stated what you're claiming so. I also purposely left out any mention of derogatory remarks of Americans by Canadians I've seen or heard for the purpose to avoid such problems.
{Lots of us prefer not to be close to Americans.}
Speaks volumes to both aspects of my post.
@William_Mary My observations through life in Britain and then in Canada is that Americans tend to be pushy and bossy. They do not seem to respect others. Even the hippie draft dodgers up here sometimes feel compulsions to tell one what to do. Their attitude towards guns is so incredibly different from ours that I gave up going to the States because I felt afraid. I have known black people from there and heard their stories. Charming.
"We have been blissfully conditioned into a mind set that we are of a superior nation construct. I have often heard and seen on social media this same label placed on our neighbors north of us, Canadians." You say I rearrange.Well how else am I to interpret what you wrote?
Some Canadians love the States, some support your wars. But your country is obsessed with individualism rather than socialism. We like to care about one another.
@rogerbenham your attempt to draw me into exactly what I hold great disdain for and related to this post is astounding. You're continuing to performing exactly what I attempt to expose as you have on several occasions within this group on multiple levels. While this time judging everyone to a certain level that only certain people should be individually judged.
{"We have been blissfully conditioned into a mind set that we are of a superior nation construct.}
The article by Johnstone is directed towards an American Supremacists narrative. In which I directed that comment towards. Feel free to explain to me what part of we indicates anything to suggest I meant Canada by any means. I didn't even mention Canada until after that statement. Canada isn't mentioned in the article.
{I have often heard and seen on social media this same label placed on our neighbors north of us, Canadians.}
In my experience on social medias and my time as an OTR truck driver I have seen the tribalism rhetoric of this us versus them in written form on social media and heard over the CB between Canadians and Americans on the highways. In that statement the label being placed on Canadians by Americans. Which I think I'm clearly exposing as an error on the part of Americans as I go on.
You ignorantly or purposefully took 2 separate statements of mine and twisted them into a narrative I don't want other group members to fall subject to misunderstanding.
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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.
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