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Greenwald’s Intercept Resignation Exposes The Rot In All Mass Media

Well Glen finally reacted to my questioning of remaining with a media that works against him. As I have stated here occasionally. You can't have a publication that works both within and outside of the rabbit hole and not eventually be called out as part of the problem. I heard about this yesterday and was thinking of a way to post this information, but Johnstone provides me the help.


Matt Taibbi and his article on this is mentioned in this article also who left Rolling Stone for basically the same reasons. In his case though he had a role in playing within the rabbit hole before he wised up and left. Glen on the other hand has always been, for the most part, attempting to expose the hole and fill it in. I'm still a bit weary about Taibbi at times.

These are my warnings towards Common Dreams, for the most part, I occasionally pass on too. There are only a select 2 to 3 on the site I have a sense of trust in. Don't just trust any thing put out. Even the best of media have their faults. Even Consortium which use to be my most trusted site, although still is by large degree, has fallen victim to this since Robert Parry's death and the family named Joe Lauria and Corinna Barnard as editors. The comments section on articles has become overly censored and often shut down as people have attempted to voice questioning towards certain aspects in certain writers articles. I often find myself with the same thoughts but have seemingly been banned from posting them. My last few attempts to agree and back others comments or provide my own analysis have been denied posting. In these cases it almost always ends in the comment section being shut down. In these cases it is always from people that have made their way in since Parry's death that I know from other news sites. Even Common Dreams has more openness to dissenting comments on posted articles.

{The traditional method of controlling the press — as described by legendary independent journalists like I.F. Stone — was the quiet aside by the boss, “a little private talk,” where a “hint that the reporter seems irresponsible, a little bit radical” would be dropped. Getting the message, and fearing for his or her job, the reporter backs off. Or, in cases like the Iraq war runup, the strategic dismissal or un-hiring of a big name with the wrong views — Phil Donahue, Jesse Ventura — makes sure the rest of the employees get the message.

Greenwald co-founded the Intercept with this exact scenario in mind, building a structure where “little private talks” with bosses would never happen, and there couldn’t be high-profile dismissals for ideological reasons.

What he didn’t guess at was that even in an atmosphere where managerial interference is near zero, a collective of independent journalists can themselves become censors and enforcers of official orthodoxies. In some cases, journalists will become more aggressive propagandists and suppressors of speech than the officials from whom they supposedly need to be protected. This is what happened with The Intercept.}

If the Parry family doesn't reel this in Robert Parry's Consortium News as once known will come to an end. Having managed to survive with the help of followers donations since 1995 they will quit supporting as they are suppressed and the site will have to refer to outside funding which will assuredly be based on a biased nature of one side or the other benefiting the establishment either way that goes. During the Obama years as Robert Parry was exposing his administrations crimes and unethical practices the site drew in a substantial amount of republican supporters. But through all the movement from the transition from the Obama to Trump era as Parry turned towards Trump and the dissenting republican supporters the comments were never so censored. Those that didn't use the information to learn from and remained conditioned filtered themselves out.

{If as Upton Sinclair says it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it, then surely that is especially true of those who’ve spent their working lives learning what frameworks of understanding help them ascend to prominence in the sphere of journalism. This would have shaped them long before they arrived at any outlet which purports to promote “fearless adversarial journalism”, and it would continue shaping them as they interact with fellow journalists.

This combined with a dominant plutocrat-funded media system designed to streamline journalistic thought into mainstream establishment orthodoxies creates a kind of conformity conveyor belt that journos get processed through like the schoolchildren in the video for Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”.}

{When you take all these factors together and throw them into a large media outlet full of journalists, our primitive impulses to conform with the pack kick in and the consensus worldview has a much easier time overtaking critical thought even further than it already has.

Additionally, when you gather news reporters together in a large outlet you’re going to attract the attention of powerful forces who have a vested interest in controlling how the news is reported. If you can use your leverage and/or resources to manipulate how that entire outlet reports, then that’s energy well spent.}

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Oct 31
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Are you suggesting that there was a time that mass media wasn't compromised?

There's a major difference between compromised and the state of its condition today. Since Reagan's perception management program our media has been completely taken over by intelligence and public relations firms that work for 6 media corporations that control approximately 90% of our media. Our technology companies working within information and communication work with and for our government against us. Approximately 200 people have near total control of some 40 to 60 trillion dollars that they manage for the ruling elite. With the purpose to help them stay wealthy and in control of world dominance.

@William_Mary Most people think that technology is a new factor in human culture. Even when the technologies of language and cave drawing were new, the availability of those technologies was unbalanced. That's why I say: it's always been necessary for humans to separate the intellectual wheat from the chaff.

@William_Mary Mass media in the US was way more fair and balanced before the 1980s. But after that the huge amount of monopolization in media sources, combined with the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, meant that alternative viewpoints on the left were pretty well marginalized and eliminated. Anybody remember labor news being covered as a regular part of the business news? I do, it was a dedicated part of it back in the 60s and 70s. The media also gave plenty of coverage and detailed stories about trade deals. Nowadays there is nothing about it the vast majority of newspapers, even tho it's a huge thing impacting everyone's life. But nowadays, trade deals are a hush hush secret that the peasants are not supposed to hear about.


Too many allusions, to things I know nothing about, AS IF I spend my days seeing conspiracy everywhere.
I trust much of mainstream reporting because BIG BUCKS, in the form of speaking engagements, respect, & book deals, to name just a few incentives, await the reporter that finds & publishes/broadcasts first....Woodward, anyone?


Everyone finds what they're looking for.

Lorajay Level 9 Nov 2, 2020

There are a lot of people out there that think Glenn Greenwald is the hack and someone like Rachel Maddow is the great journalist.

90+% of mainstream media is owned by 6 corporations, and they're working on the other 10% or so lol. Also, there is a portion of the 10% that are just batshit crazy and see a crazy conspiracy in everything. So the independent media that people can actually count on to be the most accurate is probably less than 8%, and that 8% are smeared and deplatformed and ridiculed by mainstream media and government which in turn makes mainstream viewers/readers discriminatory against that 8% of independent media and that media automatically get discredited by the majority of people when they're most likely more accurate than anyone.

Look at past independent media like The Young Turks (TYT). I used to watch them, but then they got even more establishment friendly after they started taking millions of dollars from a Democratic Party friendly corporate owner. I think they got like $20m from them. Once you start taking corporate money you are compromised and can't be independent. You will always have someone to answer to that has a corporate/government agenda which is not compatible with a truly free press.

Even Joe Rogan has taken some heat lately from Spotify. When he was independent and just on YouTube, he didn't have to take any criticism. Now that he's on Spotify and took $100m from them he's getting flack because he recently had on Alex Jones who was deplatformed from Spotify as well as other media. Subscribers to Spotify have been going crazy criticizing Rogan because of it.

Anyone who has doubts that taking big bucks from corporations or fat cat donors corrupts a news source just has to look at what happened to NPR since they began accepting corporate "underwriting" as in advertising, for their programs. Nowadays their reporting and commentary on news and politics are no different than CNN.


I used to read much more Common Dreams than I do now. It has become almost entirely USA centric.

Common Dreams used to be way more left and radical than now. These days it has mostly apologists for the Dems and Dem Party cheerleaders. Once in a while they will publish essays by Chris Hedges, but that's about it for radicals.

@TomMcGiverin That is rather what I am seeing. I find that I frequently do not read any articles. I used to send them money.

@rogerbenham I almost never read the articles, just go straight to the comments. The commenters usually seem to be more aware and insightful about what's really going on than the so-called experts that write the articles. They sure as hell are more honest and candid about what's wrong and what needs to happen.

@TomMcGiverin Jake Johnson puts out some good articles. I started reading at CD pretty much about the time they began in the late 90's or so. And I always found their comments section to be the best around for the same reasons you state.

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