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Black Lives Matter movement at a crossroads as Biden prepares to take office


{He acknowledged it was a sign of progress, proof that the Democratic establishment was coming around to his cause. But the 37-year-old lead organizer for the Black Lives Matter chapter in Detroit was worried the increased support would turn a cause anchored in grass-roots uprising into a commercialized, mainstream political movement. He voted for Joe Biden anyway.}

The first mistake here would be placing the sign of progress onto the establishment rather than individualism. If he was or wasn't correctly quoted, giving a MSCM source the ability to use the term establishment towards a false conditioning manor. Which could snare individuals into the false belief the establishment has a genuine concern for the movement. As many like myself argue they do not, neither party. I will argue that it has been the actions and lack of of the establishment from the beginning that individuals have finally began to acknowledged it was time to support this part of society after several years of inaction from the establishment. It's still beat and kill at will today as it was yesteryear. It has simply been put back into the closet awaiting the next notable incident that can't be controlled.

I will also argue that a large part of the white movement to engaged may have been especially from the establishment using Colin Kaepernick with the help of their MSCM to unleash a major sense of a removal of freedom of speech, glorifying the troops and military, forcing sports teams into compliance within erasing freedoms and forced military adopted attire, threats of ending careers, and harassment.

{“Joe Biden was not my first choice. Not my second choice. He was not my third choice,” Sloan said. “But I’m also a pragmatic individual, and I think Biden is going to be better than the Trump administration for me.”}

As I raised a sense of questioning above, this statement to me would suggest he may have been misquoted. Being Biden's history and actions are far from being singular but wide spread in both parties. If not one must then question his use of the term establishment as participation towards confusion, and or not recognizing and thankful for our individualism.

{Launched after the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012, the Black Lives Matter movement has struggled since Trump’s election to build a national agenda. The movement’s demands for more police accountability were initially overshadowed in 2016 by the outpouring of support for other left-wing causes such as women’s rights, immigration and gun control. Many of the movement’s early leaders launched nonprofit or advocacy organizations at that time or settled into new jobs in academia, with more focus on securing mainstream political power.}

Here we are faced again with the partial erasure of history. Trump wasn't president in 2012. Nor in 2016 during the Colin Kaepernick stand -- down. With the mention of Trump as a conditioning apparatus no mention of all the years of the Obama administration where BLM was essentially stifled in progress as the establishment manufactured a delusional reality under the disguise of patriotism with the help of MSCM. But overshadowed by other left wing causes that basically fall in the same arena as BLM when it comes to progress we do get. Obama and Biden get a pass in which their era torch is passed backwards onto Trump.

{The broad Black Lives Matter banner now encompasses those calling to “defund the police” by shifting some law enforcement funding to social services and crime prevention strategies. Biden and other mainline Democratic leaders have distanced themselves from that slogan, though they have backed other changes that activists successfully pushed in states and cities, including bans on police chokeholds, mandated body cameras and the creation of police accountability and review boards.}

The results of a lack of action. Obvious social barrier breakdowns left suppressed in time brings forth deeper issues that could have been ironed out from the beginning within critical initiative. Now that these issues have been basically left to simmer they now boil over into impractical to confront. Rinse, Repeat. Recycle. These are the results we are left with that have already been confronted over several years that still see no change. Those mentioned have been addressed by a few members here that recognize we're being duped each time people hit the streets. And Biden has already given the same type of answer he gave wall street. Nothing will fundamentally change.


William_Mary 8 Dec 2
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They will of course sweep it under the carpet.

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