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Joe Biden is Wrong, Capitalism IS Exploitation

“Disaster capitalism,” a term made popular by author Naomi Klein, describes the many ways in which massive profits are accumulated from tragedy. Hurricane Katrina provides one of the starkest examples of the parasitic nature of capitalism. After the lower 9th ward of New Orleans was decimated and countless Black Americans uprooted, the public school system was privatized in its entirety. The COVID-19 pandemic has also produced numerous examples of “disaster capitalism.” Billionaires such as Jeff Bezos have seen their profits grow handsomely over the past year amid mass death and economic devastation.

A major limitation of the term “disaster capitalism” is that it insinuates that another kind of capitalism is possible. The myth that capitalism is not inherently exploitative or predatory is nothing new to the United States. Since the end of World War II, liberal economists such as Robert Reich have argued that a gentler form of capitalism is possible so long as New Deal-type reforms are a permanent fixture of economic life. Yet no amount of regulations or protections negate the fact capitalism doesn’t merely profit from disasters; it is the disaster.

The owners of capital, the capitalist class, rely on a myriad of institutions to convince the masses otherwise. Government officials and politicians tend to be the most openly vocal champions of capitalism due to their leadership role over the state—the organization responsible for enforcing the suppression of one class to the benefit of another . In his announcement of an executive order comprised of a host of regulations, Joe Biden carried on this tradition by claiming that “capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation.”


There's very little competition within capitalism. We're all being vastly exploited within capitalism and Biden knows this well. A competitive market is a virtual fallacy. The only competition to capitalism is pubic ownership and a socialist structured society. That's everything the they attempt to destroy worldwide and being demonized by their owned politicians and MSCM so you don't recognize its benefits. If it's put out there for you to fear, be assured it's probably a benefit to you or a means of deception keeping the truth from you.

{Capitalist competition is defined by several contradictions, all of which form a nexus of exploitation for the working class. Biden’s executive order is reflective of a very important contradiction within this nexus. The policy is geared toward addressing excessive mergers yet monopoly is exactly what capitalist competition generates. In the hunt to maximize profits, capitalists seek to consolidate the capital necessary to expand production at the lowest possible cost. Monopolization is a natural byproduct of capitalist competition which socializes the production process and intensifies the exploitation of the laboring classes.}

{The Biden administration’s inadequate stimulus packages and regulations fail to address the exploitation at the core of capitalism. It is thus unsurprising that a system which offers so little to so many has emphasized state repression and war as key mechanisms of social control. U.S capitalism is the undeniable leader in the war industry with no shortage of clientele. Trillions of U.S. dollars are spent on wars abroad to keep the resource-rich Global South disunited and China and Russia “contained.” }

{The war at home relegates a large section of Black America to a permanent “underclass” status and a larger portion of the population compliant with declining living standards. Endless war abroad keeps U.S. capital dominant in the global market. “Foreign adversaries” serve as scapegoats for merchants of death whose profits thrive from the manufactured consent developed in non-stop demonization campaigns against nations such as Cuba, Iran, and the DPRK to name just a few. None of this has changed in a fundamental way under Joe Biden’s regime. In fact, Biden’s policies coupled with the ideological return of “good capitalism” threaten to arrest the development of socialist and anti-imperialist political consciousness in the years to come.

A more “stable” ruling class provides no panacea from a world capitalist system seeking respite from an unprecedented moment of crisis. Capitalism is defined by exploitation. Its continued supremacy guarantees more violence, poverty, and environmental destruction, not less. The best hope for the class struggle in the United States is for emerging activists and organizers to engage in a serious study of capitalism; its history, how it works, and what the exploited and oppressed have done, and continue to do, to put an end to its tyranny.}

William_Mary 8 July 24
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the rich own & control everything including the MSM & the politicians. anyone who thinks that we have a system that is even remotely connected to true capitalism is a deluded idiot.

Well capitalism depends on growing capital. It has only one agenda, to buy and sell within exploitation. When capitalism runs its course as history teaches us, it looks towards buying out society and war for further profit with the end game being fascism. What is currently growing at a seemingly unstoppable rate around the globe? War and fascism.


Allow me to tell you what really pisses me off.....
The Chinese Communist troops attacked our forces in Korea and murdered thousands of our young men in the Korean war. The US responded by eliminating all trade with China. But then President Nixon went to China and the Republicans opened the door to trade and relations with China. Who benefited??? The rich Capitalist class here in the US raced to China to move factories to China to take advantage of cheap Chinese labor. American working men have suffered while the Capitalists grew richer and China became world power.

nicknotes Level 8 July 24, 2021

Now you might see why false manufactured US intervention into other nations should be stopped? The US aided South Korea in an attack --- “From 1945-1948, American forces aided [South Korean President Syngman] Rhee in a killing spree that claimed tens of thousands of victims: the counterinsurgency campaign took a high toll in Kwangju, and on the island of Cheju-do — where as many as 60,000 people were murdered by Rhee’s US-backed forces.” ---- who murdered who first?

Then comes 1950 ---- By the time the U.S. forces drove the North Korean army back across the border between the two Koreas, roughly 5,000 American troops had been killed. The Pentagon had plenty of warning that the Chinese would intervene if the U.S. Army pushed too close to the Chinese border. But the euphoria that erupted after Inchon blew away all common sense and drowned out the military voices who warned of a catastrophe. One U.S. Army colonel responded to a briefing on the Korea situation in Tokyo in 1950 by storming out and declaring, “They’re living in a goddamn dream land.” ---- when you have a government that operates on delusional realities for profit and to interfere in socialist structures, we get our men and women put in positions that I consider as being murdered by our government. Nearly 5000 men and women were essentially murdered on purpose in Iraq over a war built of a series of lies for the benefit of the military complex. Despite all the catchy memes designed about President Harry Truman being so awake to this narrative, he was no better than those that had come before or after him. It has been the same agenda since WWI. It's the capitalist way.

The Korean War’s Forgotten Lessons on the Evil of Intervention

The secrecy and deceit surrounding U.S. war crimes has had catastrophic consequences in this century, writes James Bovard.


{Even worse, the notion that “‘America has never lost a war’ remained part of the national myth, and the notion of having ‘prevailed’ in Korea became a justification for going big in Vietnam.” But as Leebaert noted, “in Vietnam, [the U.S. Army] had forgotten everything it had learned about counterinsurgency in Korea as well.”

When the American media noted the 70th anniversary of the start of the war this past June, they paid little or no attention to the war’s dark side. The media ignored perhaps the war’s most important lesson: the U.S. government has almost unlimited sway to hide its own war crimes.}

The article then goes into many war crimes and how the media has manufactured a false history of events for today. Earlier to build a false sense of security to go into Vietnam. Which turned out to be every bit as bad as Korea.

You would deny China to stop this madness from coming into their country? Would you allow it in yours? But then we do allow it right here at home, don't we?

@William_Mary I think we needed to follow George Washington's advice....Avoid foreign entangling alliances" Every time we get into a foreign war the rich profit and the sons of poor and middle class die.


Well said. Capitalism depends upon large numbers of workers to keep the wheels of industry turning and business running. To maximize profits, the workers have to paid low or substandard wages.

Unions worked against this trend, but have fallen out of favor over the last few decades (self-destructed on their own success). Its time for unions to rise again and put checks and balances on the predatory capitalism that is running unchecked today.

t1nick Level 8 July 24, 2021

I agree. Anyone following this can keep up on how unions are failing the working class today by following the World Socialist Web Site which is virtually the only news source covering this aspect of the worker union relationship today. There's no shortage of articles covering the trials of workers in unions here. The WSWS and SEP of America are a prime source of organizing for workers and provides information for seeking help on the site.


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