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How elite US institutions created Afghanistan’s neoliberal President Ashraf Ghani, who stole $169 million from his country

Before he stole $169 million and fled his failed state in disgrace, Afghanistan’s puppet President Ashraf Ghani was formed in elite American universities, given US citizenship, trained in neoliberal economics by the World Bank, glorified in the media as an “incorruptible” technocrat, and coached by powerful DC think tanks like the Atlantic Council.


Our tax dollars are funding probably hundreds of these types of people. If you take any nation where our government has an agenda to overthrow, you can be sure they have foreigners from that country here in the US presently involved in the same manor of preparations. For an example I'll use the 2 most current and widely used targets. Venezuela and Cuba. In the US we currently have several people here that have come from Venezuela and Cuba who are receiving this type of "conditional" VIP treatment. They are all either past opposition characters of the present governments or activist in support of an overthrow. These are virtually always upper class citizens, corporate owners, beneficial politicians, usually of deeper European ancestry.

In Venezuela's case, many here are from the puppet government that was in place before the revolution, or people who were highly benefiting from the corruption and theft of resources during the period before Chavez took power. When you see people on social media who support US agendas, especially in Venezuela and Cuba, these are the people they come from and or came with who help to spread false narratives about the country they fled, in most cases. There of course are few who are stuck outside of the reality of what US involvement results mean for their old country. But then we have our own issues within that realm in our own society. But these people are always those who support US agendas in online forums who, like many in the US when confronted with facts, use baseless rhetoric for talking points because they don't have factual information to debate with. So all they can provide is the MSCM rhetoric as an attack in hopes to draw people towards a false cause.

The CIA especially loves when they can get a collage professor to work the cause with them.

{The US-backed puppet leader allegedly made his escape with $169 million that he stole from the public coffers. Ghani reportedly crammed the cash into four cars and a helicopter, before flying to the United Arab Emirates, which granted him asylum on supposed “humanitarian” grounds.

The president’s corruption had been exposed before. It was known, for instance, that Ghani had brokered shady deals with his brother and US military-linked private companies, letting them tap into Afghanistan’s estimated $1 trillion in mineral reserves. But his last-minute exit represented an entirely new level of treachery.}

You can't beat this. He can now live high on the hog in the land of the most wealthy's dreamy vacation spots of the middle east, being served by any of the vast number of slaves the UAE pay for from other countries to be brought in.

{Ghani’s senior aides and officials promptly turned on him. His defense minister, General Bismillah Mohammadi, wrote on Twitter in disgust, “They tied our hands behind our backs and sold the homeland. Damn the rich man and his gang.”}

It isn't like they didn't have several years of evidence of what would come! The reports have been virtually non stop from the beginning. This comes from people living right in the thick of the lies of winning the war to crony capitalism. They should have drove him off to a secluded space and dropped him off with a group of Taliban long ago.

As you read on, Ghani made his rounds in the US and abroad in all the right arenas to implement a course of colonialism when he wondered back home to become a false prophet after he renounces his US citizenship.

{Praising the “center-right,” Ghani declared that imperialist institutions like NATO and the World Bank must be strengthened in order to defend “democracy and capitalism.” He insisted that the US military occupation of Afghanistan was a model that could be exported around the world, as “part of a global effort.”}

Hows that working out now? Pretty god dam well for him anyways. Only the few.

{While Ghani flaunted his accomplishments in post-Soviet Russia, UNICEF published a report in 2001 that found that the decade of mass privatizations imposed on newly capitalist Russia caused a staggering 3.2 million excess deaths, reduced life expectancy by five years, and dragged 18 million children into abject poverty, with “high levels of child malnutrition.” The leading medical journal Lancet likewise found that the US-created economic program increased Russian adult male mortality rates by 12.8%, largely due to the staggering 56.3% male unemployment it unleashed.}

It's hard not to feel for Putin and the total catastrophe he was left to deal with and still working on fixing today.

{Highlighting their ideological zealotry, Ghani and Lockhart even went so far as to assert an “incompatibility between capitalism and corruption.” Of course, Ghani would go on to prove just how absurd this statement was by selling off his country to US companies in which his family members had invested, furnishing them with exclusive access to Afghanistan’s mineral reserves, and then bolting to a Gulf monarchy with $169 million in stolen state funds.}

I'd say you can't make this hit up, but this shit was made up. And a lot of people died for it, and will continue to die for it for years to come. And it was all out there for us to know about. The writing was on the wall, to fall and crush us with its information. This is where I once again remind you, they have us playing checkers while they're playing chess. We, many, can't get up from the checkers board because our MSCM is beholden to keep this type of information from us.

{Up until 2014, Ghani remained an active member of the Atlantic Council’s International Advisory Board, alongside numerous former heads of state, US imperial planner Zbigniew Brzezinski, neoliberal economic apostle Lawrence Summers, Lebanese-Saudi billionaire oligarch Bahaa Hariri, right-wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and the CEOs of Coca-Cola, Thomson Reuters, the Blackstone Group, and Lockheed Martin.

But that year, opportunity knocked and Ghani saw his ultimate ambition within reach. He was on the precipice of becoming president of Afghanistan, fulfilling the role elite US institutions had cultivated him for over decades.}

With a group like that behind you, you have no where to go but puppet president to enrich yourself and family. The rest of the country be damned.

{A report published that December by European Union electoral observers concluded that there had indeed been rampant fraud in the June election. More than 2 million votes, representing over one-quarter of the total cast, had come from polling stations with overt irregularities.

Whether or not Ghani actually won the run-off was nebulous. But he had managed to get over the finish line, and that was all that mattered. He was president now. And his imperial patrons in Washington were more than happy to sweep the scandal under the rug.}

When your preferred guy wins, sweep it under the rug. But when the observers find no fraud or election tampering in Venezuela, create a false narrative for the MSCM to spread.

{The apparent rigging of the 2014 election did little to tarnish Ashraf Ghani’s image in the Western media. The BBC characterized him with three terms – “reformer,” “technocrat,” and “incorruptible” – that would become the press corps’ favorite descriptions for a president who ultimately abandoned his country with $169 million and his proverbial tail between his legs.}

{The Atlantic Council hosted Ghani a final time in June 2020, at an event co-sponsored by the CIA-linked United States Institute of Peace and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Following praise from Kempe as a “leading voice for democracy, freedom, and inclusion,” former CIA Director David Petraeus lauded Ghani by emphasizing “what a privilege it was to work with [him] as the commander in Afghanistan.”}

Before this, for 6 years right up to the end, the entire establishment with the help of MSCM lauded this corrupt criminal as a beacon for a successful growing Afghanistan. I'll just leave that right there for you all to dwell on.

{It was not until Ghani openly robbed and fled his country in disgrace in August 2021 that the Atlantic Council finally turned on him. After nearly two decades of promoting, cultivating, and lionizing him, the think tank ultimately acknowledged that he was a “villain in hiding.”

It was a dramatic turnabout by a think tank that knew Ghani better than perhaps any other institution in Washington. But it also echoed the desperate attempts at face-saving by many of the same elite US institutions that had shaped Ghani into the neoliberal economic hit man he was.}

In other words. We're all richer thanks to Ghani and the gig is up. Now it's time to send him and his reward to places we dare not go. Next.....

{It was official Washington, its apparatus of think tanks, and its army of sycophantic reporters that made Ghani who he was. This was a fact he himself acknowledged in a June 2020 interview with the Atlantic Council, in which Ghani expressed his utmost gratitude to his patrons: “Let me first pay tribute to the American people, to the American administrations, and Congress of the United States, and particularly, the American taxpayer for the sacrifices in blood and treasure.”}

Highlighted at the top is everything I warn you about in this group. Public relation firms, NGO's, and various think tanks of every aspect of our society who work for the ruling elite, run our world. They (the ruling elite) own the MSCM and our politicians who deliver us a delusional reality.

Highlighted at the end is Ghani pissing on all our dead men and women as he walked off with the money we worked for each day for 20 years as the working class within the collaboration of all those above. We're being pissed on daily. He mocks our dead and our country. Our representatives gave him the power and means to do so.

I know The Grayzone's articles are long, but they are also the most informative means of a news source I know of. When you close out an article from them you usually go away with information going back years to decades that place history at the forefront of understanding what we face today. I can't overstate how important it is to understand the correlation of todays events coming from the history that's recycling now. The MSCM's goal is to erase history to reduce the chances of a full discovering of the now.

William_Mary 8 Sep 4
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No surprise, but much to involved for the average Honey Boo Boo / Kardashian fans. History repeating itself. Only the names of the countries change. We are doomed unless we evolve. The high school drop outs, pregnant students, & poor grade attainers that I went to high school with all supported you know who.
FB is good for knowing I was correct in my decision to end those friendships then.

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 4, 2021

Stereotyping in regards to placing certain aspects and or actions of life onto a perceived group of society is a form of false rhetoric used to create division. It's a construct that ignores the conditions from person to person, let alone a group, in which their surrounding environment and or community probably played a large role in development. I can go through any community and find the same aspects of stereotyping within no matter what rank of income or race is present therein. While the most relevant conditions will be divided between group correlation within wealth, then that of lower class and poverty stricken areas which is often divided between race. This is simply an aspect of a failed united society by design.

Quite frankly, what you describe in your comments may speak volumes to various aspects of your community, may not actually be entirely the fault of individuals. School academics, local politics support in poorer areas, career opportunities and or work capabilities of good wages, effects of nearby operating corporations, availability/distance to resources, parenting, is there a degree of oppression in 1 or more neighborhoods that suppress its citizens? These are all signs of failed aspects in many parts of our society that deliver economic distress, emotional and mental harm that can provide a perfect disguise to use the rhetoric of stereotyping. The stories of communities having been wrecked with economic distress and health issues from nearby corporations, abandoned by local politicians, near black communities especially, are endless. Housing built on hazardous land once occupied by a company are also an often found issue that feds this disguise.

I can go into any city or realm of society pertaining to political and social structure and find evidence that grossly debunks your statements finding the conditions you speak of. Largely found in black communities and rural areas. I assure you when it comes especially to black communities where this injustice in their communities is widespread, the odds don't favor a large amount of support for Trump or a republican. I can go into any poor white neighborhood of a city and find the same conditions to apply the same stereotyping. Depending on the region/area, there's certainly a sense of party division.

In regards to Trump's black voting numbers, he largely pulled in the same as he did among whites, which was few in the middle class to more in the upper middle class. The rest was based on the usual tribal division of rhetoric that supports republican and democratic politics, region/area, fed to us by perception management of MSCM. Stereotyping had nothing to do with it other than being another aspect that divides us.

@William_Mary I went to the nation's best high school according to Time magazine. Those that did not take the opportunity to use that as a way to live successfully are responsible. Black kids living in Chicago would use grandma's address in this town in order to glean this successful educational offering. Those that were fans of said tv program "types" did not succeed other than by getting pregnant prematurely, not graduating, Choice! Choice to figure out a manner by which to excel anyway despite the culture. TLC depicts little of learning other than Dr. Pimple Popper. Youtube has levelled the playing field but it is tainted by the Alex Jones aficionados. Your point is well taken but we can steriotype as that is the basis of comedy. Those that make poor decisions must bear consequences. What those are varies from culture to culture. In North Korea the consequences for taking a public poster down can cost one their life. Make good choices. Learn from others. Do better.


{Those that did not take the opportunity to use that as a way to live successfully are responsible.}

There's a well of reasoning these actions happen. I'm not arguing that they are good, just that the atmosphere around them can offer bad effects. Some of the people in our schools who have a false or questionable aura around them can and have been negative effects on students. The power structure in schools, no different from others, has often dealt out acts of injustice in regards to racism, biasness, and deceit. My time line of being a teen in school in the 70's through the 80's probably held some of the widest examples of this which I was often targeted myself.

My distrust in the school system began when I was in elementary school. After what then what I thought was my best friend and a neighbor of his, who we rarely spent time with, gave a girl a hard time on the playground, knocking her down scratching up her legs, then blamed it on me. The principal beat the shit out of me with a wooden paddle because I refused to take the blame. I didn't understand why I was being questioned, I didn't even see or hear of what happened in the incident. But because I was occasionally in fights over having the last name of Flowers and constantly teased throughout elementary school, the only possible condition to the principal was that I was lying.

While my history may seem light, even through other cases in relevance I suffered for various reasons, there are millions of cases more hard core than mine that reflect an effectiveness to others trials. Because you seemingly managed to avoid the nature of the beast doesn't mean everyone should have had been able to manage same journey you did and the same entitlements that came within. It just tells me that you may seemingly misunderstand that everyone doesn't reach the same results for various reasons.

Some people do eventually manage to break free of the conditions you're using as a stereotype on their own, some with help from great people who recognize their individual journey through hard times. But, not everyone is going to manage it within a system built like the present one forced on us, where stereotyping can be falsely placed rather than recognizing the conditions an individual might fall in a crack.

{Your point is well taken but we can steriotype as that is the basis of comedy.}

A black person can spend an hour on stage constantly using the word niger in his show legitimately, where a white person will most likely reap a major influx of scorn. While I personally find neither should be legitimized, placement of stereotyping closely holds the same value to me where it must be considerately placed.

We watch Dr. Pimple Popper all the time. I found Springer to be entertaining also. Sad as it was, it was entertaining because it was purposely orchestrated as such. There was even a show on recently exposing how they orchestrated it with most of the crew being interviewed. I met a stripper one time that was on the show and told me how they planned hers. If I remember right she told me they paid her to put on a good show. That show was getting more ratings than all the other talk shows at various points of history meaning a lot of good people were watching it without falling into the stereotype of the show. Quite frankly, it just shows how our society can be managed to be pulled into the depths of social abnormality which I highly relate to the facade of our political governance. We are a nation of people where most will support a profound political social disorder over rebelling against it.

I started bagging groceries as a student. Then went to work in a stove factory for 17 years before they shut it down and moved south. I moved back home to NE Ohio and went into commercial and industry roofing for 8 years. Not any sign of getting anywhere in that I went to truck driving school. I spent 2 1/2 years over the road then found a local company hauling scrap steel. That company sold out to one of the major companies in the area. Presently I'm making roughly 50k a year working as a combination rolloff driver for that scrap steel company. It's not a lot but it's more than most I know are making. I've been working basically ever since I was 16.

What if I told you I'm a high school drop out? What label within stereotyping do I fit into? I faced a lot of situations in my life that millions before and after me have faced. I've put myself in a lot of bad situations I shouldn't have. I feel a lot of my hard times are due to being a child of a single hard working parent without a father, bad experience with a step father, 2 bad situations in high school where I was unjustly dealt bad situations leading me to eventually quitting after the last 1. I could go into all the gory details and even admit my reasons for leaving school were the wrong ones. But in whole, I know through it all I was one lucky son of a bitch not to end up in prison at one time in my life. I had a cop and JUST enough good people around me to be thankful for making it to where I am today.

When I see the stories of some people and those I'm acquainted with in some regard, that I know who are and or have been through tumultuous periods like myself, I learned stereotyping them is a construct of a failed system many are mere victims of. Use it cautiously. The most important thing I learned form all of it is why I support socialism. I have had a yearning for knowledge and understanding of socialism since I was in middle school at least. No one does anything on their own. It takes a united community to do it better. Even today under our present structure this is true, but this structure leaves a large degree of our society to fall into cracks. It makes it very easy for an individual to stand aside and judge others without recognition of all the people that played a part in where you are today. Their propaganda encourages it. It's a weapon they've managed to get us to use on each other.

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