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Hi everyone.

I don't understand why many people here are upset about the Abortion law passed in Texas. It makes no sense to be so angry over a law that was passed legally. Why are they so angry?

Why not try to be diplomatic. The law even allows about 6 weeks after the fact to get something done, doesn't ban the morning after pill.

Also, why is abortion picked so often? There are many ways to preventing pregnancy with protected sex or different ways of having sex.

Almost none of the opposing side seems to make any logical sense.

Ello 6 Sep 5
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I think a lot of people just have a knee jerk reaction to this subject. I'm pro-choice for women. I don't know much about the Texas judgment, but if what you say is true and abortion is still legal up until 6 weeks and the morning after pill is still legal then it doesn't make sense in that context alone to be angry.

What I think the issue is is that this is a slippery slope and if the law is allowed to keep gradually going backwards then it's only a matter of time before abortion is made completely illegal, at least in Texas. It's the same thing with our political system. If it is allowed, the Overton window will keep moving to the right. The evidence I've seen over the last 30 or so years suggests that it keeps moving further to the right. That's not going to be good for anyone, including conservatives, because it will lead to some form of, if not all out fascism.

Now, is there a chance that it doesn't come to abortion becoming completely illegal in Texas? Sure, but it's not final. Just like how I don't think socialism definitely leads to communism. I would have to say that banning abortion does seem to be a staple of conservative ideology though. I don't think taking personal private property away from everyone is a staple of socialist ideology though. Some might think differently, but you can see how slippery the slopes can get with people's thinking, right?

So I think most people who are angry at what Texas has done are thinking about the future of the issue.

I'd also like to say that 6 weeks is cutting it real close though. Women usually find out they're pregnant around weeks 4 to 7 I have read. What if you find out at week 7? Or even week 5 or 6? Is Week 5 or 6 enough time to arrange a procedure or even think about the issue?

Another thought fart that popped into my head:

Just because something is "legal" doesn't always mean that it's "right" or "just" or in the best interest of the people. Does banning sex toys and making laws against them make any sense? Should someone go to jail or prison for owning or using a dildo? This is why I've always said that good and evil are subjective because if the planet was full of people that were more psychotic then we would be living by their rules. It's not far off because the people in power exhibit this all the time, but thankfully it's not to that extreme yet.

The subjectivity of "reality" is reality. Usually, those that form the majority or have the power to make change are the ones whose ideals are served. Go out into the wild and try to reason with a hungry or territorial bear or lion. Just because we've come a long way in terms of housing and technology and everything that has progressed in the human race doesn't mean that we still aren't subject to the shackles of our existence, just like everything else that exists.

Thanks for your comments!
Although, just to clarify, it's not necessarily 6 weeks, that's average amount of time for a first heartbeat to be heard/found. It's when a human heart has formed enough to function.
(At least that's what I've heard.)

@Ello, @Piece2YourPuzzle according to the WSWS article I posted for Ello below, at 6 weeks what is coming from the mother is an electrical pulse from a mass of forming tissue, not a heartbeat. When is an actually heartbeat really detected?

@William_Mary thank you.

That makes a huge difference, and it seems like a lot makes sense. Now it doesn't seem any reason to be supportive of this bill, yet still not against such either.

@Ello if you not getting an actual heart beat at 6 weeks then the bill is designed on deception as it's worded as so. So no, support for a bill built on deceptive information should go back to committee for further consideration to observe for factual information. It should be disqualified quite frankly, but power is being abused to force a vote.

@William_Mary If that's the case then the bill should be discarded. There seems to always be extreme bias when it comes to bills formed on religious belief.

@Piece2YourPuzzle this whole situation is muddled, it seems as if more people are for victory for their parties ideals, then civilly joining together to intellectually converse for compromise.

It's a dangerous, our absolute ideals vs our challenged ideals.

@Ello People are very tribal, even when it comes to politics. It's seemed to have gotten worse over the last 30 or so years. They're more worried about "their team" winning than what's actually "right" or that makes more sense. They ignore their team's wrongdoings in the process. It's the same in sports, especially when someone's team is shown to be cheating etc. A lot of people's morals are pliable in the right atmosphere or situation.


As I frequently say "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Keep your knees together."

As if that's easy for people........

@Ello I think @Lorajay has just posted an article looking 50 or 60 years old from the drawing, telling men how they can prevent abortions. Interesting reading that negates your comment.

@FrayedBear that does not negate the difficultly of the use of intelligence.


Ello, I'd first like to thank you for not allowing the people before me to drag you into a hyperbole debate of disrespect. Some of these people have a tendency to create riffs in the group along the lines of empty rhetoric, changing the narrative to fit their argument, negative derogatory comments, and contradictory statements. Which I see about every one of those conditions below. As I seen at least one lean towards falsely accusing you of being judgmental while negatively judging you, for simply asking for opinions. If I had come into this thread before you managed to intelligently address their negative disrespect I would have deleted most of what is here. As the owner of the group I'm sorry for their aberrant behavior. As one below attempted to place a negative on your learning skills having been visiting here for quite a lengthy time himself hasn't managed to learn the rules of the group and continues to be rude.

As far as this group goes, I haven't posted on that issue in Texas. So I'm going on "here" as referring as a whole on other political boards within this community site? As in all of social media constructs, hyperbole politics are the going attraction for a vast majority of the population for designed party division, which commonly feeds issues a frenzy type of useless debate. Often where facts have no meaning, and even when they are recognized, rarely used to hold anyone accountable due to indoctrination. I attempt to diminish this nature in this group as best the site owners will permit me. But as you see, I'm limited in that ability. But again, you handled it brilliantly without being drawn down to their level.

Angry? Well many are angry because they each have their own way of dealing with it. And with the fact that they unknowingly don't actually have a say in it as they think they do, because they have allowed politicians to manage to use it as a party division aspect to divide us. So on social media it becomes a hyperbole issue when being debated.

As fas as Texas goes, the religious right and their supporters win in this regard. Anger is probably placed more on the left leaning arena where they've been gerrymandered out of power, in which they have a more lenient view of abortion and larger view of womens rights within the social structure benefiting females. Education and planning which is under attack by the right. This especially when it comes to teenagers and younger females is viewed as a societal must to the left to reduce unwanted pregnancies.

{Why not try to be diplomatic. The law even allows about 6 weeks after the fact to get something done, doesn't ban the morning after pill.}

This is mostly addressed in my above statement. Education and planning. Under the now current laws they'll have to do a much better job of getting these points across. Especially the 6 weeks where a fairly large degree of women don't realize they're pregnant until after 6 weeks. Women will have to become more self aware and address the possibilities of pregnancy more often. Diplomatically, one would think more educational awareness in schools would be beneficial. Unfortunately, this is a weapon of the religious right to a negative.

{Also, why is abortion picked so often? There are many ways to preventing pregnancy with protected sex or different ways of having sex.}

Abortion has managed to be used as a party division tool against our society. In so it actually serves as an aspect of society our politicians really have no genuine intentions to address. Especially within the teenage arena where nature is going to run its course for the most part, secretive from parental knowledge, and restricted from school education and planned parenthood, it can easily be weaponized and turned against us in this arena alone.

{Almost none of the opposing side seems to make any logical sense.}

I highly disagree with this statement. I take it you mean the left by this statement? Erasure of left policies on abortion open a wide hole of harm to bodies and lives that the more wealthy, who make up the majority of support for the right, will be able to avoid due to that wealth. Women in low and poverty stricken areas will be left to fend for themselves without even the current erasure of left policies. Let alone if this goes further. Under Marxist democratic socialism, sex education and abortion would hold the highest regards as an aspect to social construct to produce every possibility of addressing this issue as beneficially for women and especially teenagers.

The Texas abortion ban: A massive assault on democratic rights

The name is itself a medical absurdity, since at six weeks there is no fetus, only an embryo, and no heart to beat, only a collection of cells able to discharge electricity, which is detectable only on monitors developed in the last several decades.


{The systematic evisceration of abortion rights across much of the country has attracted only a tiny fraction of the energy, money and media attention devoted to the Democrats’ reactionary #MeToo campaign, which seeks to improve the fortunes of upper-income women—actors, corporate executives, professors—by removing their male superiors and peers through largely trumped-up allegations of sexual misconduct. The Alyssa Milanos of this world do not care about abortion rights for working class women in Alabama and Georgia. Even with a total US ban, they would always be able to jet off to Toronto or London.}

While they would deny the majority of our women and teenagers this right, you cab be sure they would take their own girls from school and collage to fly them off to any point on the globe to find their self righteousness.

{This political record demonstrates that even in those areas where the Democratic Party professes the most irreconcilable differences with the Republicans, such as abortion rights, this corporate-controlled party is incapable of offering any serious resistance to the mounting attacks on the democratic rights of the working class.}

As I stated above. There is no genuine address to this issue from either of our representative parties.


On one hand I envy your naivete as you have obviously never been face to face with what can be a heart rending decision. On the other hand I find your sanctimonious judgement annoying.... annoyed wins.

Donna_I Level 8 Sep 5, 2021

Sorry, don't mean to be judgmental, this really doesn't make any sense to me.

When someone falsely confronts another for being judgmental while dishing out negative judgment of their own. Priceless. I see nothing judgmental in Ello's post. All I see is a series of questions in an attempt to find opinions.

@Ello this topic is touchy for me. When people say that it is simple issue it really isn't. It is a hard decision made between a woman, with luck her partner, and a doctor. Biology isn't easy, clean, or kind. 1.A pegnancy is determined from the first day of her last period. so she is several weeks in before a positive test is even possible.
2. Even the best birth control methods fail.
3. There are medical situations where the woman's life is in danger.
4. many things can go wrong in the first trimester (12 weeks) that can cause the pregnancy to end spontaneously. So then what. what proof is required to exonerate her? or the doctor? or the taxi driver that drove her to the hospital?
5. On occasion there are genetic complications that are incompatible with life out side the womb that maynot be discovered.
6. the most frustrating thing is that people feel the need to legislate 'morality' to women on this point. It really isn't anyone elses business. period. full stop.

@William_Mary well your opinion is obviously correct. Right. Silly me.

@Donna_I I don't know how to take that. Whether it's a serious statement, more ridicule, or both.

I don't see where anyone said or implied it was a simple issue. Short of Ello's statement of asking on anger over a legal issue, which I don't find to be legal within abuse of power on a deceptively written bill. Quite frankly, we all can seem to be simple within our own attempts to state our opinions, but it's the flex of rebuttal to our opinions that provide the obviousness that all issues aren't so simple. Abortion and women's rights within planned parenthood issues is on the top of the list that is self proving that it is by no means simply dealt with on the social and political fronts.

Which is why I refer to it as an issue which is used by our representation as a weapon to use against us where they have no genuine desire to confront. As it's always a majority of men leading an approach that leaves out a degree of scientific knowledge and uses deception of religious beliefs. Basically urban legend type falsities.

I highly appreciate that you came back to take time to respectfully readdressing the initial post.


Abortion is not birth control and only a rich lunatic would be trying to use it as such. The entire argument is posed as a religious thing but is really about having total control over women.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

Well put. As Emma Goldman said long ago, if men could get pregnant, abortion would not only be legal, it would be a sacrament, which would shoot the whole religious argument against it, as it really is all about controlling women and keeping them in their place as inferior and subordinate to men.

Well, at least my stance isn't for the control of women or religious, it's neither.


If you don't know, it's unlikely anyone can explain it to you.

racocn8 Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

Why would that be?

Really, want to know what you have to say.

@Ello Donna_I describes your phrasing as naive. DenoPenno notes that the abortion issue is used as an (religious) expression of control over women. Others remark on the perspective of women. These perspectives are unmentioned by your post. These omissions signify such a low level of awareness that, for whatever reasons, you are uneducable. It is a sad reality that many people cannot be enlightened, although for a variety of reasons.

@racocn8 very much could be learned, that assertion is wrong.

@Ello OK. Here is a link for you to deepen your understanding. After ' learning ', you can comment on how your view is changed. Here is your original statement.

"I don't understand why many people here are upset about the Abortion law passed in Texas. It makes no sense to be so angry over a law that was passed legally. Why are they so angry?"


@racocn8 Ok, man.

You're a fucking asshole. How rude of you to address this person in such a way for simply asking for opinions. Then you come back using other peoples thought out responses you wouldn't, or couldn't, take the time to prepare yourself. Then post a link to wikipedia with no substantial explanation of your understanding to the literature to discuss over. Can you even manage to think for yourself. As always, with your history here, it seems to be a overwhelming no. All I see of you in this community is rude, smartass, negative comments that offer no one on this site any sense of coherent usefulness. And you think you have the right to negatively judge someone else for posing a legitimate series of questions who so far hasn't broken any group rules. Compared to you who does nothing but ignore the rules and attack people. SO, who here is incapable of learning?

@racocn8 key understanding here, for intelligent people.

{These perspectives are unmentioned by your post.}

Would indicate that someone went off narrative. Went off narrative without correlating a relevance of their statement to the initial post. So why were you so inclined to attack the initial poster whos quest for opinions were clearly stated while giving someone with an uncoherent statement a pass of your negative judgment?


If you are pregnant you might feel differently.

nicknotes Level 8 Sep 5, 2021

For sure.
Yet, if that was not a wanted outcome, and they used protection or/and alternative methods, how often would it really happen?

I am in support of women having the right to decide, yet I don't understand why people are so angry.

@Ello All birth control options are not 100% Women are often forced to have unprotected sex.

@nicknotes Does that really happen a lot?

@Ello I would suggest that that is a statement which is highly unsubstantiated. Especially in the westernized countries. Regionally there are going to be unconditional variances based on social structure, poverty stricken countries, and of course religious following. But to say often would be virtually most. Quite frankly, I take that statement as a derogatory stereotyping rhetoric remark against women in the modern arena.

@Ello If it happens to just one woman then she might need abortion as an option.

@nicknotes also, if that happens (I don't much doubt it does happen.) then there is a different issue to focus on.

Maybe we should also focus on preventing men from putting women into having unprotected sex. At least just as equal, if not more as vocal and in public as people are advocating for the right to stop a human's heart beat.

@Ello You do have a point there. Our society seems to fail miserably in teaching men not to rape women or to not have unprotected sex, so that sort of puts most of the burden for unwanted pregnancies on women, don't you think? So if that is the case, don't you think the law should side more with women than with men on who controls the decision-making on whether to abort the pregnancy or give birth, esp. since men can't get pregnant and the woman is the one who has to endure nine months of pregnancy and the birth? Lastly, I will finally feel like giving respect and take seriously the anti-abortion folks on being sincerely pro-life once and only after they show me they actually are consistent and pro-life in the rest of their social and political policies, such as the death penalty, support for child care, public education, anti-poverty programs, etc. Until then, they are, to me, nothing but hypocrites who worship the womb and care only about controlling women and pushing their theocratic ambitions on the rest of society. So until then, they and I have nothing to talk about regarding abortion and they and I can talk after they change their hypocritical policies on life after birth. Until then, they should shut up and fuck off, esp. the men in their tribe.

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