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Facebook ‘whistleblower’ Frances Haugen represented by US intelligence insiders

The background of Frances Haugen’s Whistleblower Aid legal team indicates she was cultivated to complete Facebook’s transformation into a vehicle for the US national security state.


When this facade first bolted into the MSCM, I warned as independent sources were deciphering the dubious, genuinity of the coverage. It has been clear to anyone who actually pays attention that facebook has been working with the establishment and intelligence agencies for quite some time now. In regards to the constitution and our rights, they be dammed.

If fact, if you're paying attention, you should have noticed that they all have been working vastly more in favor of diminishing our abilities to discover more factual information and bias towards the cloud cover of fascism sweeping over our country. Only when obvious social injustices are perpetrated which cause a mass society outcry do we see actions taken against any of these various types of issues that arise from that ideology.

When extremism is favored while speaking against it. While when a independent journalist source reports factual information that goes against ruling class establishment agenda, they are suppressed.

{John Kiriakou, the CIA whistleblower jailed for exposing the agency’s role in the serial torture of terror suspects, commented to The Grayzone, “Mark Zaid presents himself to the public as a whistleblower attorney, however, he is anything but. Instead, he has betrayed his clients and come down on the side of prosecutors in the intelligence community. He is not to be trusted.”}

{For her part, Haugen claimed to have come forward with her testimony “at great personal risk.”

However, Haugen is now set to meet with the oversight board at Facebook, suggesting the supposed underdog whistleblower had never been a threat to her former employer, and may have been colluding in a mutually beneficial operation. Haugen emphasized in her testimony that she “doesn’t want to break up” Facebook; she was merely looking for increased “content moderation” to root out “extremism” and “(mis/dis)information.”}

{As this report will reveal, Haugen appears to be little more than a tool in a far-reaching plan to increase the US national security state’s control over one of the world’s most popular social media platforms.}

Timing on accounts offer questioning and lack of experience offers cultivation. As you read on you'll see the correlation with the company around her as being agenda bound highly favoring empire building.

William_Mary 8 Oct 23
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I would like it if all facebook's information was factually correct.

nicknotes Level 8 Oct 23, 2021

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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