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The Genocide Democrats: watch Max Blumenthal speak at WNDC

At the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington DC on March 7, 2024, The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discussed the crisis within the Democratic Party as the party grassroots revolts against President Joe Biden’s vehement support for Israel’s rampage in the besieged Gaza Strip, where at least 30,000 have been killed to date – mostly women and children.

Blumenthal pointed the finger directly at the Democratic Party establishment for crushing any and all iterations of antiwar politics, and illustrates how its most prominent figures have been bought off by the Israel lobby.

The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, founder of The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions.


A rare occasion for Blumenthal to speak at such a formal construct of a political organization in the US. Blumenthal's work is of one of the most detailed leading informative investigative journalistic sources available. Through his articles and the work of others on his site you will find only fact based material that is highly supported by deep investigative dives into a multitude of various people, groups, organizations, etc, that he exposes of being behind the curtain of foreign policies of western governments. As he exposes some in this speech here. Provided within basically all his and others articles on the site to support the information being delivered. The articles you find there will teach you where all the money comes from, the groups it comes from, and the people behind the groups, and the deceptive criminal agendas that come with them. You'll see in this speech the magnitude of his knowledge of this and how he puts the pieces together to educate us of it all.

Blumenthal has also made appearances at many UN related hearings and other security forums and investigative oversight hearings in regards to foreign relations. Issues in regards to the chemical attacks in Syria refuting the western narratives. Jeffery Epstein. Russiagate. Ukraine. The Syrian war as a whole. Libya. 20 years of etc here. He was arrested at the Venezuelan embassy in DC in 2017? I think it was, on false trumped up charges during the highlight of demonizing that country in that time line.

He is widely condemned by western and social medias, and, governments, as being a fake news provider. When you become familiar with his work, it becomes overly clear why. But you don't get asked to the investigative hearings on world affairs by the UN, organizations, and agencies based on fake news content. You get asked to them because of your facts of discovery from on hand accounts investigating events. And the ability to tie all the players of the accounts to the events. Blumenthal essentially has a spotless record of providing fact based information that's highly resembling of WikiLeaks. If you don't want to live in a bubble suffering from managed perception syndrome, this should be one of your main information links.

SO! What does this leave you democratic supporters? Apparently, this womans club has decided they didn't like the title genocide democrats and are bailing out. That leaves you Trump or Jill Stein. Or be known as supporters of genocide.

William_Mary 8 Apr 13
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