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This Dystopia Depends On Hiding Inconvenient Truths

This is a civilization made of deceitful thoughts, deceitful words, and deceitful deeds. Everything about it is fraudulent.


It isn't just the propagandist who lies to us. We also lie to ourselves!

The article, and video within at the top of the page which contains the same context, uses the term propaganda. A term I have covered on multiple occasions in my post and cover in a pinned page. In which part of my agenda here has been to expose those who come here of being guilty of such, the statement above. Lying to yourselves. It isn't an intention to ridicule anyone, it's an intention towards helping others break the chains of servitude to the capitalist slavery. We're all guilty of it on some level. I once was more guilty of it before my awakening. Please, do not confuse that {awake} with the newest perversion by western propaganda, woke, which has also been purposely manufactured in a manipulative way to combat against awake. Propaganda was purposely manufactured for us all to fall into a manipulated trap. A number of other terms in this article and video are also covered in that pinned page.

Propaganda is merely another term for information. The term propaganda began to be used by western constructs long ago to use against their manufactured enemies. Manipulative information. As though their information is to be seen as the only factual information, while their enemies only provide mis/disinformation. I assure you, their enemies provide much more factual information and a supportive history to go with it in most cases. Which you should use to help break the chains. Stop lying to ourselves. We're currently living in an environment where we can't possibly remove ourselves from just the chains, but we also need to remove ourselves from the room we're locked in. That will require a complete eradication of the construct working against us. The politicians. The MSMs. The system being ran by the ruling class. The ruling class who own our politicians and medias. It isn't just the elite and their corporations in the US, but a conglomerate of international ruling class. Which began building especially after WWll.

We've been going through another highly extensive manipulative propaganda campaign again since the Gaza genocide campaign was unleashed. I covered how the propaganda campaign was unleashed in regards to Ukraine in 2014. Along with the correlating discussion between Abby Martin and Peter Phillips, where Phillips delivered a break down of exactly how the process works. Robert Parry outlined a few details of the Ukraine incident. And how it has evolved from the various degrees of the CIA in the past to PR {public relation} firms and NGOs {non government organizations}. These entities work via funding from billionaires and or western governments and intelligence agencies.

RT has recently come out with a new documentary that goes much deeper into the construct of players involved in the Ukraine program. It is a program! A program of intentional deception. While you witness the construction of the Ukraine media apparatus in this documentary, know that Israel has had their own such construct for decades also. Israel basically owns our government. They orchestrate a large PR and NGO information construct of mis/disinformation. Anyone within our government, or society quite frankly, who produces any public awareness of negativity towards Israel, doesn't tow the Israeli agendas will find themselves a target of a campaign of cancel out. Eradication. You can't believe anything we're being told by these constructs. You must do the work to break the chains. So we can't break down the door to the room together. Over half a billion dollars, known of, was put into the Ukraine false propaganda campaign. That's what deceiving us is worth! Over 300 billion has been spent funding and supporting a overthrow of a democratic elected government in 2014 to install a WWll fascist glorying government and now ideology society. In which a genocide campaign was unleashed on the people of the eastern part of the country to prepared for a manufactured war against a falsely manufactured enemy.

Make sure you turn on all the English capabilities at the bottom right. Two of them. Better used on a lap top or tower computer. Smart TV, I had a hard time keeping the English going on a constant basis. I doubt a cell phone will work properly? Quite frankly. Cell phones are a propagandist tool anyways. You'll never be directed to good information on a political sense, ever! Unless you directly put in an address of reliable sources yourself. Which is basically what I have to do on my lap top, except for those I have saved. Good reliable sources are blocked by algorithms to keep us dumbed down. There's only 4 ways this goes. You've been learning the truth alongside of me as it has been since 2014. You have at some point felt the deceptions and began seeking and found sources of the truth. Possibly through people like me. Will now begin to recognize the truth. Or, as Geoff Young, a US politician, states at the end of the documentary, will only come to realize the truth when it's well to late as the false propaganda campaign in regards to Ukraine collapses. In other words. You've been Iraqed again. People are essentially being purposely murdered, lives being torn apart, on a global scale within a delusional reality many put trust in. Too many! Help stop the madness! Spread the truth.

The Great Ukrainian PR Scam

More than 150 PR agencies from the U.S. and Europe are shaping Ukraine’s media image. This campaign began back in 2014 during the Maidan uprising. After the new government took power, the U.S. established propaganda networks, feeding deliberately false information to Western media. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry became a puppet of the CIA. This strategy was first refined in Iraq, where the U.S. used the full force of modern PR technology during the conflict.

What was really behind the so-called «Bucha massacre»? How do the CIA and NSA control Western social media platforms? How many journalists have been killed for resisting Kiev’s propaganda? And who will win the bloodiest information war in history?


William_Mary 8 Nov 29
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One thing I never did as a kid was watch TV. First my parents would not let us sit there for hours, mom had her soaps to watch and we preferred playing outside. Even in winter or it was raining too hard we played board games, drew - we only had paper, pencils, some watercolor paints and crayons, etc.
Government learned propaganda was effective early on, fun war movies, westerns where the good guys were all white and wore white hats and men protected the women.
The real history is not taught so thinking real thoughts is a problem from jump. Since I know so little about the situations in both the Ukraine and Gaza I tend to not comment.
I will say I have never trusted Russian leaders or think Israel expansion is legal. It seems much of the way the Palestinians are treated by the government of Israel is eerily similar to earlier treatment Jews suffered in Germany. I have to wonder is it really Hamas Israel is fighting.
Sadly a large section of the U.S. population can certainly be classified as dumb as a box of rocks, IMHO. Finding solid information is a challenge and the intellectual curiosity is not there.

Israel is fighting a resistance to their genocide campaign. A genocide campaign that has been going on basically since the development of Israel, the zionism aspect of it, as a state that began being developed in the late 1800s, when there was only a 5% Jewish population there. With worldwide antisemitism spreading, western leaders decided a Jewish state was needed. To move all the Jewish around the world to. The "father" of zionism Theodor Herzl went to western leaders with a desire to develop Israel as a model resembling western states. He got the western colonialism to go with it. zionism adapted the ideology of colonialism. With the help of the British soon after, eradication of Palestinians from their homes and land began.

You can't be part of it, only victimized by it if you don't adhere to it, or serve it. The same ideology going on in Ukraine today. Was, until Putin put and end to it. You're not seen as human to these ideologies. After the 2014 coupe in Ukraine, the agenda was 2 part. Fortify the eastern regions for war against Russia, and eradicate all Russian aspects from the regions. The generations of Russian culture.

The best accounts of the history


Another excellent Johnstone eyeopener. The lengthy RT videoshows American priorities . . . They aren't looking after ordinary Americans!

Well, it isn't just about us Americans. It's going on in all "western" governments, and from their medias as well. Allied with or proxy states. You can't possibly be ignoring that your own country is doing the same and playing a part in it also, are you? Don't make me call you Caitlin Johnstone! My dissent may mirror hers in many ways, and I may use her material occasionally, but she fails to relate her own government to the problem! Wagging the finger at only the US, as she does 99% of the time, you miss a significant amount of the heavenly glory the ruling class benefits from elsewhere. Don't take your eye off your own back door! You have the same type of vultures circling over you also. Concentrating only on our skies, you walk outside under your own flock of social demise.


If I was to dig into the work of Moss Robeson, I'm fairly certain I would find a sense of Ukrainian fake media in your country. And Nazi infiltration of your government. Along with the same attributes of the Israeli government and intelligence.

@William_Mary exactly William - we have become so used to our governments & media being lackeys & sycophants of anglo-american governance that we forget that they are theoretically independent & not a 59th state or shire! To all intent they may as well be.

@William_Mary and don't forget that Australia spawned that obnoxious aberration in the media known as Rupert Murdoch.
B'nai Brith that well known international organisation is forever present failing to "champion the right of all people" whilst supporting the state of Israel.

@William_Mary We may well have had what may have been a "Jewish stocktake" take place in Melbourne -

"Mr Friedman said his hand was burnt when he tried to return to the synagogue and open a door.

"It is shocking that here in Australia there's such anti-Semitism," he said."

Interestingly I have not seen Mr Friedman, Bnai Brith or anyone condemn the Anti Semitism of Israeli Jews destroying 1000 mosques in Israel between 08\10\2023 & 10\03\2024



Which I note includes churches & grave sites.

@William_Mary According to my daily notices you have reacted to two of my replies, see screenshot. However there is nothing on my posts. Is this more discrimination against me or did you change your mind & remove your 👍🏻?

@FrayedBear I have attempted to view 2 post you supposedly made in my group, this group, which both sent me to the sites welcoming and guideline page. Apparently, the site management, or someone filed a complaint against you, and they were removed by that management.

@William_Mary more US \ Jewish censorship.
Probably regarding my linked reports & comments about a bleeting rabbi in Melbourne screaming "anti-Semitism" complaining of a synagogue burning down but not mentioning the greater anti - Semitic behaviour of 1000 churches, mosques & gravesites destroyed by Israeli Jews since 08\10\2023 to about April 2024. . . . Hypocrites

The other was probably the report that an IDF intelligence person had been unable to get a visitor's visa to Australia to attend her grandmother's 100th birthday because she had failed to prove that she had not been part of the Israeli Jew's war crimes & genocide in Israel, Lebanon & Syria. I also made the comment that unless the grandmother had like most of the world expressed her horror at those crimes she was complicit in them & had probably financially & morally supported them.

@William_Mary [] - seriously bad reporting "painful personal memories of persecution, were stirred up for Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann " - the rabbi is too young to have memories of the WWII holocaust ? All he has is the memory of propaganda repeatedly impressed upon him that 6 million Jews were genocidally killed by the 3rd Reich together with a religious indoctrination that he probably continues to instill in newly born that they are "god's chosen race & if male have to sacrifice the most sensitive part of the largest human organ, their foreskins, to their loving god.


@William_Mary whoops my bad. I note that ive already mentioned those 2 incidents above.
Here are a number of my posts to either General & Hellos or your "Out of the Illusion" Group

@William_Mary it's now preventing me uploading photos saying that the four above are 10!

Australians recruited for IDF
- Netanyahu under fire

Soros, sanctions, propaganda: How the US government secretly controls the ‘world’s largest investigative journalism organization’ []

Ritter reveals 100 Himars destroyed

[] - Nigel Branken on USA supporting genocide by blocking Security Council majority decisions.

@FrayedBear you have at least 2 outcomes here with those who are genuinely going fully indoctrinated into believing they're going into a legitimate fight against terrorist. Those who don't really care about being indoctrinated and just want to kill, and those who will come home after realizing they played a part in crimes once they see the reality first hand. Like over 30,000 US service members who came home to commit suicide for various reasons after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Still counting! I think it's something like every 38 minutes a combat soldier commits suicide in the US.

{The report shows that there were 6,407 suicides among Veterans in 2022}

It didn't give a number for the entire span of years. That's 1 years of. 2 years ago. With 21 years before unmentioned, and 2 years after. I wonder why they wouldn't give those numbers in a total combined!?! You don't think it would be pretty fucking ugly to expose that, do you? I'm amazed they published that.


@William_Mary indeed astonishing that they released that little gem of information. But what misplaced hubris to say it is lesser than what it was!
But why are those who 1. Sent them to war & 2. Permitted & ordered the atrocities not being prosecuted for crimes against the American people & the aliens who were the initial victims now giving cause to the huge suicide rate?
Btw the rate per 100000 is not very high & I think only 4 times higher than the national average. The highest rate quoted was I think 51 per 100,000, the national seems to be 14. Back in 1996 in the area where I lived the rate for male suicides 17 -75 was an incredible 150 or more per 100000. I suspected extreme misandry the cause of many.

@William_Mary Does your VA also publish the figures for the numbers of foreigners still being killed or suiciding because of the depleted uranium, uncleared land mines, unexploded bombs, US sanction created starvation, war debt of reconstruction repairing US created destruction from the many wars, coups, insurrections etc. caused by the USA over the last century?

@FrayedBear of course not...

@William_Mary Gobshites! Perhaps they could help reduce the suicides\ anxiety by recognising that they have committed far worse, & plan to continue doing so, against foreigners eg. Syrians, Palestinians, Russians, Ukrainians. . .

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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