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50 Reasons to Bail Out of the Two-Party System and Become an Independent Voter


William_Mary 8 June 30
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I have to admit. I vote not to lose instead of to win. I don't like Hillary and think she would have been more powerful not getting sucked in to the ludicrous banter with Trump. She is pro fracking and like all of them is just her corporate supporters' bitch. She called Trump's followers deplorable when all of America is sick of little change. I loved Obama but he kept the patriot act and took many other actions I was disappointed about. I think he was better representation than any president in my adult life time. The division he caused was from racism. I also was amazed and thrilled he mentioned in his inaugural speech freedom of all religions and non - religious
My fear of voting away from the Democratic party is giving a vote to the Republicans.
I am hopeful after Alexandria Ocasio Cortez beat a 20 term Dem encumbant so sure he was invincible he didnt bother attending debate with her but sent a latina from his office to fill in.
What is ironic is her focus was for working people needing higher wage. Health care and equal rights for all Americans.

gigihein Level 8 June 30, 2018

I would say Jimmy Carter. But his flaw also was being forced to play inside the agenda. The very agenda that took him out on his 2nd run via corrupt secret Iranian talks to keep Americans as hostages to make him look bad, and then falsely make Reagan look like a hero. Outside of the Kennedy's, Carter may have been the last person trying to escape the hold of that shadow government that's really running our country. I could go on for quite some time about the Carter effect. Solar energy, the Saudi oil, the failed hostage rescue, Iran-Contra from the Rumsfeld-Iran secret talks. I take a lot of flack for this opinion, but you can easily find the facts to a path to my opinion. Carters only flaw was that he was in a place and time when they were ready to make perpetual war the main agenda. He was merely in the way.

I quit voting to lose because of Obama. His first 2 years was as much an eye opener for me as Sanders first 2 debates. Were tired of hearing about your dam emails was as catchy as, yes we can. All we got was, no went wont, and silence to more of her corruption via emails. Gordon Lightfoot says it perfectly. Sometimes I think it's a sin When I feel like I'm winning when I'm losing again. I think about politics every time I hear that verse. And the people that refuse to want to win even though they have half a mind they're voting in a corrupt system for corrupt politicians on both sides that serve that same one entity that doesn't give a shit about us. Until all those who know this quit thinking like that, and power vote to out the establishment, they are just as guilty of holding back the country. But they need to quit being drawn into believing they can bring change in that system which is only there to trap them into the infighting. I may even be wrong about Sanders. That's fine if I am. Because I'm following through on what Sanders told us about. The democratic party is corrupt and serves wall street. It will not change. Those are his very words. And that is still being proven today even after all the exposure of 2016. And just as he also said, don't go by what I do, take the movement and keep it going. What little is getting done inside that party can staunchly be expanded outside it and help it a hell of a lot faster. We are losing when people think they are winning! We're running out of time. I voted to lose, yet what I voted for is growing. Therefore I am winning.

@William_Mary I do agree Carter was a gem.

  1. The best the Republican Party could do in 2016 was a reality television celebrity and real estate mogul who bragged on the stage about how much influence he’s bought from politicians.

Ask yourself, if you must, why don't any of our top senators or congress people run for president any longer. Or military personal at that. It's because the real power, especially more so today, since about the Reagan era, is in their hands. So is the money! You ask money, knowing their pay is a low 6 figures. Their money comes from within their power, within the insight they get from wall street and wars. Insider trading is virtually legal for them. Before they sent your families off to Afghanistan and Iraq, republicans and democrats were buying up stock in companies they knew were going to play the biggest roles over there, making millions, before we had any real ideal it was coming.

You hit it. The children are being housed in private for profit encampments/facilities that have paid for the immigration rulings to support their businesses.

@gigihein exactly 😟

@William_Mary a human rights crime. Like taking our kids out and atresting us for speeding. Though on bad car rides it was a fleeting dream of mine


Take note of 25. It is this very case with marijuana laws. Eventually large corporations will begin to lobby our politicians to a point they can begin to buy out the industry towards monopolization. The healthcare industry is more likely to lead this lobbying. Your local companies will not be able to turn down the large bids they will get. And in turn prices will begin to become out of reach for a lot of people.

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