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This is the very thing I'm attempting to warn you about! The speak is almost always an attempt to pull you into the illusion! After they draw you in you become tolerant to the deceptive actions. You're to a point you no longer feel each twist of the knife they have in your back. This is a politician stuck between loving the power and serving the establishment over his own claimed policies. Another Sanders.

(Not only is Ro a fellow Justice Democrat, but Ocasio-Cortez actually shares his policy positions and supposedly the intent to replace corporate candidates, which makes it nonsensical for him to endorse her corporate-backed opponent.)

(I bitterly resent the lack of unity and clarity from the leaders of the movement. Many of whom have wantonly abandoned insurgent candidates to the wolves. The electorate is starving for bold leadership, unity, and vision; if progressive Dem’s want us to the party that betrayed us over and over again, then they need to fucking give us those things.)

My points are given stable grounds to stand on. Knowing that they can't possibly quell this movement they attack it from all sides. It was just a matter of time they would find a way to slow down the activist supposedly leading the way. This has been an issue since the first days of Trump's win. Activist have been either negligent of properly managing a march, and or as in one article I read a while back, falling to pressures from the establishment to skirmish to a point of little notice.

A direct shot at Bernie Sanders! I fucking love it!

(Imagine if Ro Khanna and every other supposed progressive Dem Enter candidate/politician (I’m looking at you, Bernie Sanders) made their endorsements plentiful, and based on a full commitment to the strategy of replacing any and all establishment candidates. The vision and mission of Dem Enter would be crystal clear to the electorate. The progressive wave would have been manifest if the Dem Enter leaders like Sanders had shown unity with those whom he inspired to run for office. Sanders called for a political revolution and that gave birth to many of these candidacies, yet he effectively disavowed so many of them with his stony silence. ? What is the strategy here? And, who is this strategy meant to benefit?)

The article goes on to make much of the points I talk about. The democratic party is going to do their best to limit the damage and take control of any progressive that manages to enter. In other words, push them into a corner and silence them. The media will only cover them when they are on point with an issue the establishment approves of. And we'll get the same bullshit Sanders did as he would claim, this bill has a lot of good things in it, while it has a lot of even worse things in it that down the line will screw the people. Let me repeat this! You can't change this corrupt party from within. There are to many in it to be changed, local, state , and nationally! Thousands of corrupt people under the control of an entity that doesn't give a shit about what we want. We have to power vote a 3rd party into the system!!!

Ro Khanna & the Failure of the Dem Enter Movement


William_Mary 8 July 1
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I don't know why, I'm becoming quite suspicious, but I've had to edit this post a twice now. A paragraph keeps being added that I have deleted at least twice now, and can't has been switched to can at least twice now in my ending statement.

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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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