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Personalities vs Institutional Nepotism: A Follow Up to My Ocasio-Cortez Article


“The latent causes of faction are sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity. . . . A zeal for different opinions concerning , concerning government and many other points . . . An attachment to different leaders, ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other, than to cooperate for their common good.”

(We have devolved into the abyss of identity and ideology to such an extent that we no longer seem capable of having the imagination to try anything different that deviates from the course that we have always been on. We are given ballots that are rigged to ensure the victory for either a Democrat or a Republican and virtually guarantees the exclusion of anyone who can truly shake up the system. Each election comes and goes with the citizenry being sold dreams of a new day only for us to wake up to the continued nightmare of the status quo. )

(Sadly, this insidious duopoly comprised of corporate courtiers will continue to flourish as long as there are enough people who are willing to put logic at bay and let their emotions guide their decisions. Politics has become a sport where people pick sides not based on policies but strictly on the basis of personalities and tribal instincts. The article I wrote about Ocasio-Cortez was not a condemnation about her, it was a critique of a system that is dependent on moneyed interests and driven by two factions who are not responsive to the needs of the people.)

How much longer do we tell ourselves both party's are corrupt, they keep giving us the evidence! How much longer do we keep telling ourselves a 3rd party can't win? When all it needs is for us to break free of the establishment stranglehold and support it. Shake the god dam system already! Our youth are all but begging us to help them. They want to disown the world blood on our hands!

(But that doesn’t take away from the fact that she has joined a party and a system that is wholly malevolent, she will be serving the needs of the party and advancing the cause of the status quo. No politician is greater than the institution that he or she serves, stating this is not defeatism or cynicism, this is the reality of our political system that we have before us.)

She hasn't even made it to office yet and is being drawn back. She is already on board with beat Trump at all cost. Would support Clinton even knowing how the primary cycle went down, or is totally oblivious to that, or complacent to that corruption not only happening, but to it happening again. As she is now reportedly spouting out the false Russian narrative that has been overly proven wrong. The top democratic party persons are publicly voicing opposition to any means of a progressive nature that resembles socialism. I wouldn't even doubt that they end up supporting her republican opposition at this point in secret. A step backwards!

(Focus on policies and while we are at it, stop voting for parties and support people based on ideas.)

There's only one party out there that has policy's that support most of the American people's views and our youth's desire. That is the Green Party.

William_Mary 8 July 8
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