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We are Not These Colors


I give you Libya. And, a drop of blood.

I've always been lost, or maybe behind, in the racism aspect of society. Later in life, that spot that appears on many applications have always dealt me pause. Caused by a chaotic nature to my birth. While I have wondered deep into racism at a time in my life, the natural substance of reality pulled me back out into individualism. When you can honestly find the stereo typing's put on any race onto also your own, you can only then feel the nature of individualism. I have come to terms that I am a racist. I have admitted this on public forums many of time. I have in deed caught a lot of flack for that admittance. It is my opinion it is a natural instinct of human nature. A natural substance of tribalism within us all. It is how you as an individual deals with the intelligence from the amount of knowledge you have acquired towards humanity that allows you to separate yourself from the injustices of racist hate. I have also caught a lot of flack for that opinion. Those that tell me they have no sense of racism, or that their race can't be racist, scare me every much as those that are race haters.

William_Mary 8 Aug 10
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It is how you as an individual deals with the intelligence from the amount of knowledge you have acquired towards humanity that allows you to separate yourself from the injustices of racist hate.

Those are your own words pasted to my reply and I agree with them. In my late teens and early 20's I was as racist as anyone. N words and off color jokes were the norm. Slavery jokes were normal and we wanted to own some slaves. Many of us could not wait for the "South to rise again." We had no clue what we were really talking about. It was just what the white majority did and how they thought. Many are thinking that way again and I don't like it.

I grew up and in the years that followed my last marriage was to a woman of color. The marriage lasted 12 years. I have come to see the world as a giant box of crayons and people are the colors inside that box. Nothing more and nothing less.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 10, 2018

Would you elaborate on This? What makes you believe you are a racist?

GreatNani Level 8 Aug 10, 2018

I believe it is a part of our nature to question what we see in others. You can't deny the cultural differences we observe in other races and not question or ponder the relativity it/ they defer from your own. I learned that in grade school. Also where I learned the N word. Which when I asked what a N is I walked away as confused as when I asked. I'm living evidence racism is taught. Having went to grade school on a dominantly African American side of town I could see and feel the difference in socializing between whites and African Americans. And the difference I got from them one on one compared to when they were together alone. Essentially 2 completely different worlds. I really can't explain any better than I did above. My opinion is that we all have some degree of racism in us. It's what we do with it that makes us good individuals. To a point we all can share life together without the hate I see being purposely bombarded on us.

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