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Why Confronting Israel Is Important


William_Mary 8 Aug 30
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The problem lies not so much with Israel, in perpetual survival mode, but with the USA. Why have we let the tail wag the dog for 70yrs?

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

In a world were your neighbors are forever throwing stones and firing rockets at you, openly proclaiming their intent on your annihilation, I think Israel can be forgiven the occasional knee jerk reaction. The Palestinians are indeed a desperate people, but they only have themselves to blame. Personally I believe Trumps decision to withhold more and more money is the right one. You rarely see an Israeli burning an American flag. The Palestinians do it all the time and then expect you to feed and clothe them. Mossad is nowhere near as bad as the CIA.

rcandlish Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

I don't know where you get your info. Fox news? Israel is playing the US as hard as it can. Netanyahu is an outright criminal who learned the ins and outs of crime from the stern gang. Heh, funny that Israeli policy towards Palestine looks a lot like Germany about 75 years ago. They are the new NAZIS.

But we have plenty of problems of this type here in our own US of A. Maybe you just have your eyes closed.

@Bakunin No. My eyes are open. it's just my vision isn't as jaundiced as that of many. I know Israel is milking the US for all it can get. The US is willing due to a deep set sentimental religiosity to accede to most of Israel's requests. But the point is not so much the Israelis but the Palestinians. Do the Palestinians deserve Western aid? They are certainly not grateful for it, but consider it their right by Allah! Any people that straps bombs around children and celebrates their martyrdom to my mind deserve nothing but contempt.

@rcandlish what I see is Israel bulldozing homes and annexing Palestinian land with violence and threats. When the Palestinians defend themselves against US made weapons systems with rocks, the powers that be scream bloody murder. No, Israel is an illegitimate country made up by the victors of WWII so as to have an ally in the region. It's all politics and many die for it. It's a total waste.

@Bakunin What determines the legitimacy of a country? The only nations who question the legitimacy of Israel are the Islamic states, and some of them half-heartedly. That there are instances of illegal annexing of Palestinian owned land and property cannot be denied, but all of this takes place in a greater context. The fact that neither side is willing to integrate and co-exist is tragic. Yes it's a total waste, but what's worse is that it is tinder that threatens an international conflagration.

@Bakunin Saw this earlier on this Site. Think Sam Harris' analogy is incredibly astute.

@rcandlish that is exactly correct!!! The ultimate truth here, like it or not, is that the very concept of Nation States is wrong.

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