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Scientists Sound Alarm Over Mysterious Gov’t Plan to Spread Viruses Using Bugs


Yea, lets talk about ethics! I can think of better ways to deal with climate change! There's this thing called a solar panel that doesn't require a petroleum based product to operate it. And I hear there might be another thing called a windmill that also doesn't require a petroleum based product to operate it. Over the years I have read a number of articles where our problem with food isn't really a problem. We have plenty of it available. But there's something called distribution that creates our current problem. I've also read over the years that trade deals have killed off a LOT of small farming communities around the globe. This sounds like an ethics problem to me alright. Maybe the ethical problem is that we keep experimenting with chemicals to fuck shit up to where we need more chemicals to fight the chemicals we keep creating? So lets create some to put in bugs that can be used as a weapon and fuck everything and everyone up!?! Fucking brilliant! I guess depleted uranium didn't get the job done well enough in Iraq? We need something better in Syria and Venezuela.

William_Mary 8 Oct 6
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I do not take your words lightly and this is all within current possibility. My question involves how would crop destruction topple a regime without firing a single shot? We have to go on from that point into who will feed these people and how will they feed them. I don't see the situation as a winner for anyone.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 6, 2018

It's an old strategy from centuries ago Deno. Surround the occupiers and starve them out, into surrender or until they are forced to fight. This makes it quite easy. Releasing the bugs on farmlands with the actions of sanctions in the beginning. Look at Venezuela for an example. We, the westernized coalition, and main stream media, have falsely created a narrative that the democratic elected government there are the sole reason that country is in hardship, and that the people there want a change. When the truth is that a vast majority of the people there support their government. And it's hardships are the effects of actions taken by the westernized coalition have been the leading cause of their problems. From getting the Saudis to flood the market with oil, monetarily supporting their aristocrat opposition to the government, purposely creating rioting for the media to falsely create a narrative of public discord, add a coalition of sanctions, which leads to the corporate sector that the aristocrats still control to manipulate the production of products within the country also leading to currency manipulation. I have posted Abby Martins video on this a number of times here that details about every aspect I just mentioned. The people of Venezuela are purposely being staved in many aspects of an economic valued system. Despite that the government is still able to provide for its people against these odds. All that would be left to do is to cripple their farming! And the westernized coalition would have little empathy towards the people there by having the opposition fulfill that action by spreading this virus to get back control of their country. The world wants their oil! It doesn't give a rats ass if the people are fed!

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