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True Revolution


An Eckhart Tolle quote within the article mentions North America and Western European countries, but there have been wide scale protest and activist movements against many government actions in South America and Central America also. These governments all working in coalition with the westernized countries moving the political agenda to the right of a fascist nationalism nature. You don't hear about this often from our main stream media. And that's by design to keep you uninformed. And especially related to any sense of Latin America or South America, when you hear about it, it comes with a false narrative against a democratically elected government with socialized policies. The perfect example would be Venezuela. Where those protest are started by opposition to the government with the support of the westernized world and funding often from the US via the CIA to create chaos, as the media spreads a false narrative to misinform us.

( I understand the criticism, though. When people read about the problem of capitalist ecocide and oligarchic strangulation, they don’t want to hear a bunch of stuff about mass ego death and spiritual enlightenment, they want to hear about nationwide demonstrations or organizing the working class or forming a new political party or cryptocurrencies or ending the Federal Reserve, or something along those lines depending on where they believe the problem is localized. In general, they want a fairy tale about people coming together to effect drastic, sweeping changes and turn the status quo on its head, which they will do because something something reasons, cough cough.)

Lets look at the latest Kavanaugh circus act. Did anyone really think the protest and public pressure put on a handful of corrupt politicians was going to change that outcome? When they turned Ford's recollection on the incident into a mistaken account of who may have actually been the attacker, that was a clear sign they were moving forward at will. First it was seen as ridiculous, then it became logical!?! An escape to produce a meaningful investigation for truth. That's what we got, a lame controlled FBI investigation in a short time frame and a controlled list of people to question. Knowing it was almost assured no new information could be brought forward by design. They knew ahead of time this guy wasn't going to be liked and had already planed a circus court to approve him. Just as the last confirmation. He's was essentially made a supreme court justice since his time in the Bush administration. He's just now being rewarded for the work he did during that time in helping to develop those surveillance programs. He's been prepped for this moment for years. Ford merely produced a road bump for them to hurdle over.

Believing either of these corrupt parties are going to bring change is futile. If women want to create a change in this country, move to the Green Party. They need a lot of good strong women to take charge. I can tell you that the 12th district in central Ohio surely needs a better candidate. But we need to completely change the way we are attempting change. This repeated cycle for decades is only moving us further to the right. And it's no longer from administration to administration. Is seemingly month to month now.

"Out Of The Illusion "

William_Mary 8 Oct 8
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Your anslysis is insightful and right on. Its probably more info than most people will care to ingest or consume. Our interference in South and Central American politics is well documented outside the mainstream. We've been changing the entire political landscape in the area for over 100 yesrs. and not for the better. We made lives worse down there.

I concur with your Kavanaugh assertions and summary. I don't know if the Green Party is the right answer. But won't argue that point with you. I concur that the Dems and Repugs are not the right direction forward.

t1nick Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

Tolle offers a calm place in a storm. I enjoy his teachings. The question is how to get the balance right in a world demanding you fit in so as get your basic human needs. It's an even tougher question when you have a family. The Christian proposal to solve that problem was to 'seek God's Kingdom first and then all other things will be added to you'. I don't think that claim has ever been shown to be true. So caution is needed if a person decides to prioritise their spiritual dimension. I think it is worth the effort but living an alternative life has to come at a cost.

brentan Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

I agree. Any real attempt to change the power structure in our country will lead to a vast collision of ideology. The establishment politicians and the oligarchs they serve will surely fight for the survival of their controlling system.

@William_Mary maybe it is time for a clash. Too many sheeples. My 17 year old SDS self wants to rise up - but - just what the hell has my generation contributed? Almost getting pot legal?

@Beowulfsfriend I hear you loud and clear! The thing about this internet is that we can rebel right here without a physical confrontation. The question really is how to get the 26% of democratic voters, the 46% of independent voters, who for the most part agree to a platform of a party and unite. I would argue that party is the Green Party. Which has strength in many places outside the US. I would also argue it can be done by simply referring back to the 2016 primary and consider how Bernie Sanders was taken to the top on grass roots support and only grass roots donations. The same can be applied to the Green Party. I also believe if the people in this country would stand up it would draw in the many millionaires and billionaires who disagree with the current capital system that create a huge inequality gap in our society. Drawing in more intellect and understanding power source. The real challenge is to draw everyone stuck in the managed perception that a 3rd party can't win illusion the establishment politicians and media have them trapped in.


Obviously you have some link to evidence the rest of the world wasn't privy to. Please, call the FBI and let them know you have what they were looking for in order to put Bret away. Thanks ?

Who said anything about putting him away? The statutory limits to prosecute have well passed. Why be so seemingly stupid about this? Evidence is what we're seeking. And there we're more people willing to give interviews to the FBI outside the controlled management scope. Hey, if you just want to support the guy blissfully, feel free to just put that out there. I'd rather have a bad honest opinion than someone trying to force the narrative rhetoric on me.

@William_Mary Well, lots of people said he should be put away. When you say "When they turned Fords recollection of the...'' who is "they"?

@Captain_Feelgood that would be the senators, especially those supporting Kavanaugh. And a host of other people of all ranks within politics and society.

@William_Mary The problem here is the whole "due process" thing. Like what many others have already said, you are innocent until proven guilty. Do you know about the history between their families? Do you know how many women falsely accuse men of sexual assault every year? I understand you don't like the man but you can't just assume he is guilty of something just because of an accusation.

@Captain_Feelgood the only thing I'm assuming is that a thorough investigation was warranted for the better of the position and the commons. You keep putting developed thoughts in me that aren't there.

@William_Mary Unfortunately DIFI had to try and pull a fast one in an attempt to postpone everything until after the Nov elections. If she had brought the letter to the counsel when she got it, they could have checked everything out without putting Ford in the public (like she wanted to begin with)..As it is the FBI had to use what they had, checked the people Ford said were there, and unfortunately for her they denied the claims and wouldnt corroborate her story. So now DIFI failed to get what she wanted yet was able to divide the country a little bit more.. Well done !! The system worked as it is suppose to. And l am glad to hear you are getting some "developed thoughts" into you that were not there before.. That is a good thing. ? Cheers

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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