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“I Don’t Feel Safe”: Prominent Saudi Activist Quits Twitter Live on Stage


The bot war. And the bots are winning. That would be the bots of the establishment and deep state. While we get false claims of election tampering, they use their bots to spy on us. They use their bots to, yes, election tamper. They flood our social media with paid trolls to spread anger and false statements to sway you from voting a certain way or to voice your opinion by attacking you. If you're a voice of dissent with a large following, they shut you down.

William_Mary 8 Oct 28
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This of course is going to gradually become a worldwide phenomenon and thank goodness global warming will effectively wipe us out before fascism takes over the entire planet.

Yea, I don't know. When you consider the vast coalition of countries having already wiped out half the Middle East, have a hand in right turned South America, and half of Latin America, in the process of swallowing Africa and are at the present moment turning their own countries hard to the right, you don't think we have a desired need to worry? I'm fairly certain Hitler would be proud to see his vision of world dominance coming to an almost full fruition about now. When I look at the whole picture they are basically controlling the entire planet to a good degree. Markets, economies, peace, resources, and before long? the internet. In which would take away our only means to communicate with each other of our dissent. Since Trump has become president the US and Europe have taken a giant step to the right. With both attempting to take away rights and move towards austerity measures. I would argue we here in the US have been under those measures since 9/11. Our state and local governments have gone to shit. Losing federal funding in about every aspect you can think of. Our healthcare goes down hill more each year with about a 20% increase each year since the ACA kicked in. There are sporadic wars spread out through Africa that aren't making the news, endless war in the Middle East, and constant threats of war around the globe. The westernized coalition have their noses up everyone's asses. There aren't all these protest going on around the globe for no reason. We have a real problem that is growing like a wild fire out of control and it seems we have no water in the area to fight it with. And I refer to my common argument now. Which is that most people are stuck in an illusion fighting it from within a broken system. One side thinks they are winning by supporting the system moving us to the right, and they other side thinks supporting their side to fight it is actually on their side, when its not. Any anything progressive is being shut out by propaganda lies and the old school fearful cries of communism. That being supported by the main stream media, or not. Or not? Because they will not cover the truth about progressive politics either. They are in compliance to the agenda of their rich owners. And they get paid well to do so. I give you Robert Parry, who has told us that for decades and why he left main stream media. Make no bones about it, we are fighting for our lives and this planet. And it's never been more evident then now!

@William_Mary All very true to my mind.


This is the precise reason one must verify online information and/or get news from multiple sources. They are betting on people being sheep.

MizJ Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

As the majority will be.

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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

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