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Abby Martin: The Democratic Party's 'Abysmal Failure' Presenting a Platform

Abby addresses the same question I've been bringing up. Why is it that we are dependent on Greg Palast to raise money and investigate the types of voter purging that are going on!?! An issue that attacks people that would if not all, most would be voting for the democratic party. The answer is really quite easy. They are just actors in the same agenda who are fooling their supporters. Would Georgia be so close without the purge that went on there? Yet I didn't hear one word about that yesterday during all the result talk! Florida? DWS won a reelection by near landslide after having a very tight race the last cycle against the same guy!?! Seriously!?!
Why does it take a constant organization of people to get issues we want out of our government to be fought for? That take several attempts to finally get them recognized and through the system when we have representatives to voice our concerns to. The answer again is quite simple. They're not there to represent you and don't hear you until it's forced on them to hear you.

William_Mary 8 Nov 8
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I know very little about American politics but when ever I listen to Abby she explains in a language I understand.Haven't her since she was on RT.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 9, 2018

She was working mainly from teleSUR until recently. A media source ran by 5 countries in Latin America, mainly out of Venezuela. With the latest sanctions against Venezuela, our government has blocked her funding transfers to continue her Empire Files work since leaving RT. She also does radio with her brother at Media Roots>> [] You can catch up on her after RT work here>> []
She had a go fund campaign about a month ago which I believe she got a good chunk of donations. Claiming she now had enough to start working on some of the Empire Files stuff again. Let's hope she gets back on her feet. I wish The Real News Network would give her a job!

@William_Mary thx .I know its mostly american news but she speaks so much sence .I can only take so much news and watch Al Jazeera news if I want the truth.

@Xanadutoo if you go through the videos at Empire Files though, you can actually put more of a westernized collaboration into much of her work. Such as the Palestinian issues and Latin American issues. I think one of the biggest mistakes being made today is the fixation on us here in the US. You can't possibly believe our government is the sole problem of empire building and colonialism when we have other countries working hand in hand with us around the globe. The term westernized society isn't made for us alone and others came well before our time started. These intelligence agencies are all working the same game and for the same agenda with each other to destabilize the world in areas they want control over. I will argue we are merely being used as the military might and the currency controllers of the world. Someone had to be that place and we got elected for it. But we aren't the only country with ruling oligarchs. And I will also argue they are all working together against us all. Our problems here are also spreading in your country also. And around the globe. Make no mistake about it, concentrate on us to much and your part of the problem will end up biting your ass just as bad. We on a worldwide basis need to unite and see this as a global effect, not a by country issue.

@William_Mary I have just watched one I am on my second about what the Israelis have done to palestinians it is confirming what I thought.She is truly for all the people of the world. She is lucky to have not been killed.Mossad have no scruples.
I have had to stop watching it .It is too inhumane how the Israelis speak to the Palestinians.


One of the biggest our so called democracies have is that the vast amount of the possible electorate are effectively asleep throughout their lives. They choose not to enquire. They choose not to question. They accept societal concepts and don't wonder until it's far, far too late. In my late 20's as a result of taking LSD I kept asking myself the questions "What are you doing, do you like what you are doing, If you don't why do you continue doing it?" Inevitably changes happened including giving up working for a living. I have no regrets now. I had a wonderful life. Most importantly I realised that the secret to life is acceptance and contentment. Sadly most people never get there. I questioned society even at school and of course it got me into trouble but I also didn't give up and through university I realised that most of what I'd been taught was false. There are often conflicting truths.

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